Chapter 4

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He released me from the hug we shared. He was now staring at me with eyes that i could get lost into. I knew exactly who i was looking at.

Liam Payne.

"Hello Liam" i said back to him.

"You must be Lenah. Right hunny?" he said back to me.

"Yes i am" i said

The other an sitting in the chair now rose. He spung his chair around and now i was facing another talented boy.

Josh Devine.

"Hi im Josh." he greeting me, Extending his hand to shake mine.

"I know, I am Lenah and I am a huge fan" i said pulling my hair over my right shoulder.

"I know your Lenah, ever since we got here Harry wont shut up about you." he said

"Harry? Wont shut up about me? Hahaha" i laughed in the faces of both of them.

"He is being seriously Lenah." Liam said.

"Really? How does Harry even remember me? Its been so long!" i said

"Didn't you get the letter?" Liam asked.

"Well yes but i did not read it" i replied to him.

"Well here i can read it to you if youd like" Josh said.

"Okay." i took a seat on my bed and Josh and Liam sat back into the chairs they once were seated it. Josh picked up the note off of my side table.

"Dear Lenah" Josh began

"I can't believe it had been 2 years already! Time had flown past and i feel so horrible for not talking to you in all this time but i want you to know you never let my mind

Liam awwed really loudly.

"You are the reason i am here, you are my insperation, my muse, my everything. I want to thank you for your unconditional love while i was around which i took for granted and i applogize for. I will never be able to repay you for what you have done for me. You have been the driving force behind all of this and you never even knew."

Liam awwed yet again.

" I want to hold you in my arms. I want to see your beautiful face again. Most importantly, i want to believe that we might still have a chance of being together. Please don't even think i have forgotten about you. I didnt!"

I gave Liam a 'don't even think about aww'ing again' look before he got the opportunity to.

"We are playing a show Friday and i want you to come. I understand if you don't want to but incase you do, i have reserved VIP seats for you and backstage passes. If you aren't there i will understand but if you are just know that i am performing for you and only you. There could be a million people there but you are the only one i truely care about."

I gave Liam a look saying it was okay to release the aww he had been holding in since the last paragraph.

"So hopefully i will see you Friday love. Here is the number to call to get ahold of Paul who was the person who delivered this letter. He will give you all the information you need for Friday."

Josh continued on and said to finally end the letter.

"With all of my Love, Harry Styles x"

"Thank you Josh" i said

"So are you going to come see us Friday Lenah?" Liam asked

"I don't think so, i am sorry boys." i said in a disapointing tone.

"Aww, please hunny!" Liam begged.

"No i am so busy. I have work, homework, family to visit, i just can't drop everything."

"This might be the only chance to make things better though Lenah!" Josh said.

"Then things might not get better" i said

"So we wasted our time trying to convince you?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, i am afraid you did."

"So we should probably leave before it gets any darker." Josh said nudging Liam

"You guys can stay here tonight, Grant's bed is free and our couch pulls out into a bed. If you want to stay i mean." i offered

"Well that sounds lovely" Liam said

"Yeah, it will be fun getting to know you!" Josh added. Liam nodded in agreement.

"Well then its settled. Would your body gaurds like it if i brought them some air mattresses so they can sleep here to?" i asked.

"I am sure they would appricate it." Josh and Liam said in unison.

"Hey guys." Liam said walking up the door. "You can come in, we are sleeping here tonight" He invited them in.

"Well there are 2 queen sized air matresses in the closet, i will blow them up for you." i said to the body gaurds. "If you guys need pajama's, Grant has a bunch! Just say the word" i yelled over the loud inflatting noise.

"Word" Josh screamed

"Word" Liam chorus'd

"We are good but thank you" the body gaurd answered.

I finished blowing up the air matresses and then I walked over to the closet that grant and i shared. I pulled down some of his old t shirts and pajama bottoms. I walked them over to Josh and Liam. Liam laid on Grant's bed and Josh laid on mine.

"Hmm excuse me Mr! That is my bed!" i said to Josh.

"Not any more cutie pie." Josh said back to me in a cheeky tone.

"Yes any more!"

"Well if you want to sleep in this bed you have to sleep in it with me cause im not moving" Josh teased

"Well then i will have to sleep in it with you." i said to him moving in beside him.

"Hunny i don't mean to sound obvious but do you always sleep in jeans?" he asked.

"No. I am going to change and ill be right back!" i said.

I walked back over to the closet that was still open because i forgot to close it. I pulled on a sleeve that hung from the top shelf of the closet. I pulled until it fell down. It was almost as if it was a sign. The sleeve had belonged to a navy blue pullover hoodie. This wasn't just any navy blue pullover hoodie though. I remember it from 2 years ago when i got it. It was from the package Harry had left me.

It was Harry's Pullover.

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