The rating game

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A/N: hey guys before we start chapter 3 I just wanna say thank you to all the people who submitted an oc and don't worry if you still wanna do that it's still open. Also sorry that it took so long to update this book. Well without further ado let's begin chapter 3.

(Y/N)'s pov
Everyone was In the club room waiting.
     "Hey Issei." I say. He looks up at me. "Deploy your boosted gear."
     "Ok?" he deploys his boosted gear.
     "Ddraig" I say.
     "Yes?" Issei's gear said. Everyone got a shocked face.
     "It's nice to hear your voice again Ddraig."I say
     "As is it yours (Y/N)." he said
     "Wait hold on you two know each other?" Issei asked.
     "Yes he was my previous partner." Ddraig said.
     "Wait how?" Issei asked.
     "You see Issei I used to have three sacred gears. The boosted gear,my sacred gear,and divine dividing."
     "Wait you had of three of them?" Rias says. "I didn't know that was possible."
     "Well I did but my little brother stole the divine dividing from me,so I let the boosted gear go and it ended up the pervert we know as Issei." I say
     "Hey." Issei whines.
Time skip brought to you by chibi (Y/N) hiding his gear.
It was finally time for the rating game
Rias had just told us the plan. She then pulled me to the side. "Look (Y/N) I don't known what your gear is but I wanna see you use it today okay?" she asked/told me.
     "Yes ma'am." I said then Issei and Koneko lead me to the gym wich was where we were supposed to go to first. The lights came on and revealed a rook and 3 pawns. "Koneko you take the rook,issei take on the little girls,and I'll take the one with the stick. They nod and take off.
     "Come on I thought we gonna fight." the girl with a stick taunted while Issei was running from his opponents because they had chain saws.
     "Alright let's go Corrupted gear!" Zack says as the gear deploys with s flash of dark light.

((Lá gear))Everyone stops to look but I've already and vanished and touched the enemy I was up against and said in a quite voice

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(( gear))
Everyone stops to look but I've already and vanished and touched the enemy I was up against and said in a quite voice. "Corruption." her eyes go black I the say "go help the rook with white hair." she nods and attacks there rook as I summon my sword and hit the gowned sending the two pawns flying. "Issei now." I say as he used his new move on the 2 pawns and the rook.
     "Dress break." Issei says then snaps making their clothes vanish.
I grab koneko and Issei and risers corrupted pawn then ran out of the building Akeno destroys the building. "Damn." I say.
     "Lady Rias's queen has destroyed two of Riaser's pawns and a rook.
I sensed something coming I went to grab the corrupted pawn but couldn't as it hit koneko. While Issei acted like she died but I knew better. "You throw me to the queen." I told the corrupted pawn. She nods then throws me. The queen shoots another explosion but I jumped off of it and touched her and whispered "corruption." The queen was now under my control but sense I was in my capped form I could only control one. The pawn came back but was instantly destroyed by the queen with my flying next to her.
     "Lord Riaser's queen just killed Lord Riaser's pawn. I smirk as I released the queen because Akeno wanted to fight her. I cought up with Issei and Kiba while they were in battle. Raval Phenix looks at me and blushes then I say. "Sorry Raval." I say then corrupt her so that I could get to Rias faster.
     "Lady Rias's knight,queen and pawn have been eliminated." I soon got up to Rias. "Now Raval go end all of your teammates for me will ya?" I say as she nods and does that while Riaser is utterly confused then looks at me. "Promotion to king." I say then the queen went hit Asia but I shielded her with my body but the shock knocked her out and injured me a bit.
     "(Y/N) are you ok?!" Rias asked.
     "Ya I'm fine." I say popping my neck before summoning my sword making the battle field waved and curved. "Raval dear take care of the queen please." I say as she went to fight the queen.
     "You think your a mat-" Raiser starts to say before being sent through a wall. He flys back and kicks my in the side of the head knocking me to the side. This made me really mad as my power started to raise fast. I moved faster than Raiser could regenerate but I started slow down. I then fell to my knees in pain sense my power was over where my cap allows it. Then Raiser grabs me by throat and gets ready to actually kill me before Rias stopped him saying she forfeit the battle. 'Rias what are you doing?' I thought then Rias put my head in your lap and I said. "I'm so sorry Rias,I failed you."
     "No (Y/N) I failed you." She said before I blacked out. While I was blacked out I had a dream where I was in a black void with purple flames and a booming voice said. "Hello young one!"
     "Who's there? Where are you?" I say with caution.
The purple flames cleared to show a dragon. "My name is Ggroft I am the dragon that lives in your right arm!" his voice booms.

 "My name is Ggroft I am the dragon that lives in your right arm!" his voice booms

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(( Dragøn))
     "What do you want from me?" I asked.
     "I wanna give you tip." Ggroft says.
    "What might that be?" I asked.
     "If you sacrifice any part of your body to me I can add to your cap and unlock my scale mail balance breaker but only for 20 seconds." Ggroft says
     "That's nice to know so I'll keep it mind."I say
     "But once you sacrifice that body part to me you won't get it back." He add.
"Okay I get it." I say as the purple flames grew bigger and the dark void surrounded me.
About an hour later.
I'm just floating in this black void when I see a light and hear someones voice calling my name.

A/N: alright this chapter's word count was 1015 words. Again I'm sorry it took so long to update this I just haven't been in a writing mood lately but I will try to work on that for you. Well bye bye.

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