my first day of school

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We got an updated key.
(Y/n) your name
(Y/hc) your hair color
(Y/ec) your eye color
(Y/N)'s pov
I wake up to Rias undressing. I quickly closed my and faced the back of the couch. After like a minute or 2 I sit up and look at her.

"Morning." she says as she just finished putting her skirt on. "Your starting school today aren't you?" I just just look at her and nod. "Well then you better get up." I then stand up and use magic to change my clothes to the school uniform then made my hair (y/hc) and my eyes (y/ec). I then walk out the door and see Issei.
"Wassup man." He says. I just wave still bing tired. "So you ready for the tour?" I just shrug as he starts showing me around. Soon we get a classroom. "And this will be your class. Issei walks inside the room as Asia and two other guys walk up to him.
"Hey Issei who's this?" Asia asked. Issei grabs her hand and pulls her out side of the class as I showed who I was. "Oh hey (Y/N)." she says as I re-disguise myself and walk into class.
"Hey Issei who's this?" The to guys asked.
"Oh Motohama,Matsuda this is a new transfer student. His names (y/n)." Issei says introducing me. I barely have as everyone sat down and I had to sit next Asia. Through out the class I barely payed attention knowing most of this stuff when I sensed something from out side I pass a note to issei and Asia saying 'somethings here' they look at me and nod as I sent a small little but of corruption magic at the teacher and made her pretend to pick up the phone then she put it down. "Issei,(Y/N), and Asia your needed in class 3A." I nod and right as we leave I release her from the spell. We walk to Rias and Akeno's class. I use the magic on their teacher and have then sent out.
"Zack, Asia, Issei? What's going on?" Rias asked.
"Something is here. Something rather strong." I say. They nod as we go and get koneko and kiba. Soon we were all in the club room.
"So (Y/N) what's here?" Rias asked. I go to shrug before a giant light spear went flying at us. I manage to barely catch it with only a little bit of pain. Everyone gasp as we look at where it came from.
"Raynare..." Issei said. I look at her as she smiled
"Hello Issei darling." she says getting another giant light spear ready. I throw the one I caught earlier. Right as she threw the spear I dived to catch it. I barely miss and it goes through my chest.
Rias's piv
I look at (y/n) as the spear went through his chest. 'No.' I thought. "Asia go heal him." I say but Reynare threw a light spear at Asia's feet.
Raynare's pov
I look at the boy on the ground as his (y/hc) hair went black and his (y/ec) went to a blood red. 'Zack?!' she thinks as she suddenly flies away.
(Y/N)'s pov
I laid there on the ground the big hole in my chest slowly healing as Asia and Akeno rush to me and do there best to heal me up. They heal me a good enough that I can at least sit up. I make some bandages appear and wrap it around my wound. I look at Issei and see his shocked face. I read his mind and see his memories of her. "Hey Akeno can you walk me over to Issei."
"Ya." she helps me up and walks me over to Issei. I touch his head as the memories temporarily faded away. Issei snaps out of it as I remove my hand.
"Woah (y/n) what happened to you." He asked Akeno went to speak but I stopped her.
"I don't know my chest just bursted open." I say.
"Wow that sucks." He says as everyone looks at me.
"Well this is gonna hurt for a few days." I say before I black out in Akeno's arms.
Akeno's pov
(Y/N) blacks out in my arms and I just look at him. Rias rushes over to me and takes him out of my arms.
"I need you all to leave. Please." she says and for some reason there was sadness in her voice. Everyone left bit me. After a bit I left.
Rias's pov
"It's ok (Y/N) I'll help you." I say quietly as Akeno left. I then push the two couches together and get us naked. I then lay us down on the couches and cover us up with a blanket and fall asleep.
Time skip brought to you by chibi (Y/N) taking the light spear through the chest.
(Y/N)'s pov
I slowly wake up and feel kinda of exposed. I take off the blanket and see that I'm naked. I quickly put my back against the couch. I then see a bump in the blanket so I went over and opened it and saw Rias naked. I launched myself back making the couch fall backwards making a thud. I hear Rias wake up and look at me.
"Oh (Y/N) you awake!" she says a she got a big smile and jumps into me her jugs pushing up against me.
"Uuuuh rias?" I ask. She looks at me with the same smile. "Why are we naked?"
"Oh I was healing you." she says. I give her this one look. "No we didn't do that silly." she says giggling. I just akweredly chuckle as I pick her up and set her on a couch. Without me knowing one of my wings came out. I rias gasp as I look at her.
"What?" I ask. She points at my wing. I look back at it and I instantly retracted it. "You can't tell anyone." I say.
"Why not? They gotta know." she says/ask.
"Because it will make them not trust me. Besides I didn't want you guys to know in the first place." we just stood there looking at each other untill we heard a knock on the door. I use my magic to quickly get me and Rias dressed and fix the room then I sat down pretending to still be passed out. Rias sit down and put my head on her lap.
"Come in." Rias says. Soon koneko opened the door. "Oh koneko what are you doing here this late?"
"I just wanted to see if (Y/N) was ok." she says with a small blush.
"Oh he's ok he just needs sleep." Rias says. I was able to see koneko blushing. Koneko nods and leaves. I sit up as Rias yawns. She rest her head on my shoulder as falls asleep.
A/N: ok guys it took a bit longer to right this then I thought but I did it. So Raynare is alive and there's something about you that made her stop from killing you. Anyway the words count is 1169. Well untill next time byyyyye

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