hello brother part 1

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In the morning I didn't feel Emma or Grace. I then smell something cooking so I get up and get dressed. I walk out and peek into Rias's room to see her asleep. I then look at Winters door. There was a note saying she was out talking with Sona. I sigh relieved she wasn't here. I the go to check on Yumi when I hear someone walking upstairs I turn to see Yumi in over sized panties that had to be tied to the side and an apron on. "oh hey Yumi. "
"Hey (Y/N). I was actually coming to wake you for breakfast. " She says with a smile. I nod as we walk down stairs. I look at the table starring in aw.
      "Holly shit Yumi. That's allot of fuckin food. " I say. She giggles.

Well go ahead and eat. " She says. I nod and start eating away. Soon Rias came down.
"(Y/N)! Koneko, Issei, and kiba are missing! " She yells worryingly. I almost choke then stand up.
"Sorry Yumi I would love to eat all this but I gotta go. " I say rushing out the door and running away from the house. I suddenly feel an aura drop. I quickly run to I and look through a bush and see Freed over powering Irena. I growl and summon Asmodeus. I jump out of the bush and catch Freeds Excalibur.
"Oh it's the little demon boy. What's this your helping a member of the church? " He says in his normal annoying ass voice.
"Oh shut up! " I yell as a big aura bust came from me knocking Irena out. 'Shit' I thought then realised sense she's knocked out I can let loose. I jump back and pick up Irena moving her to a clearing where she'll be found. I then returned to Freed in a split second. "Alright Freed I warned you then you tried to attack Kiba, now this. I'm really fucking sick of you. " I growl.
"oh what you gonna do about that huh demon boy? " He mocks.
"Oh this. " I smirk as my hair changes and my aura spikes by allot. Freed stumbles back. "Alright ass hat. " I smirk and fly at him with extreme speed.
"What the hell! " He yells as he gets struck in the stomach. I fly back and charge a magic attack before I got struck in the shoulder by a light spear. It wasn't like normal ones it was stronger. I look up and see kokobeal. I then sensed Rias and the others coming so I quickly enter my capped form and the light spear hurt allot more.
Freed's pov
I see the little demon boy drop so I jump off getting Excalibur mimic from the church girl then leave.
(Y/N) 's pov later
I wake up in my bed and see Rias naked by me again. I sigh and go to get up but feel a sharp pain in my shoulder. Rias jerked awake and sees me. I see her eyes begin to tear up. She pulls me back down as she put her head on my chest and was crying. I just look at her and think. 'Wow. She really does care about me. ' I sigh and hug her then say. "Rias I'm fine. "
"H-How could you be so reckless. Risking your life to save someone. " She says through tears running down her face.
"Rias... I. " I Didn't know what to say I was at a dead end so I just sat there as Rias cried into my chest. After an hour she fell asleep again from crying. I manage to get up then cover her up with a blanket. I then get dressed and then called issei.
Issei's POV
I was getting a call and saw it was from (y/n) I pick it up curious. "Hello? " I ask.
"Issei I wanna ask you a favor. " He says sounding very... mad?
"Ya sure what's up? " I ask sense I owed him anyway.
"Meet me at the forrest behind the school. " He says then hung up. I shrug and start walking to the school.
(Y/N) 's POV
I was waiting by the school when I saw issei. "It's about time. " I say my voice more intense.
"Sorry I had to explain to Asia. " He says simply.
"No matter, come on. " I say and walk into the forrest a she fallows me. Once there I turn and point a gun at issei. Issei jumps then I say. "Ddreig." Issei's boosted gear appeared and asked. "Yes? ".
I flip the gun so issei could grab the handle. " Let issei know if my power is increasing to much for the earth to handle. "
"Got it. " ddrieg says as in walk to small clearing and start chanting something. "I who shall awaken. I am the dragon that stole the element of earth from God him self" I start as my original balance breaker appeared and my aura started to boost. "I am the one who dwells far beneath the surface inside the core of the earth. I shall drag you down into purgatory. Juggernaut drive!((This saying is absolutely trash))" I yell as my aura starts boosting tremendously. My balance breaker starts to change as I felt intense pain in my shoulder. I decide to ignore it as a my balance breaker appeared and I sprouted wings from my back and my armor changed colors and shapes. I kept holding back the screams of pain I was getting from my arm. Eventually i let out a loud roar as I smelled shit. Then thought. 'Issie just shit himself

I look at issie massive pain in my shoulder. I was able to keep the form for a bit but soon it started to become a failed juggernaut drive so I fought it and turned back to my capped form. I walk to issie and take the gun then say. "Go change your pants" Then I walk off into the woods looking at the animals as i let my real form show and kept walking. My shoulder wound from before started healing really fast. I just kept walking as I looked around my long white hair hanging behind me. I sigh sense I know what's coming up. I really don't wanna fight kokobeal again but what must be done must be done. I summon asmodias as the first is incase ichao chaos realm. I then spent the next hour or 2 training letting out everything I had until I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. 'Fuck. ' I thought as the hole in my shoulder ripped wide open as the chaos realm disappears and fall entering my capped form once more. I lay there on all fours then cough up blood. I then grab asmodias and use it as a cane and walk to issei's house so I can get help from Asia. I get there and knock on the door weakly. As Asia opens the door i fall down in front of her everything going black.

A/N Hey guys so sorry it took so long. This was originally gonna be a full chapter but I'm breaking it into parts now. But ya have a good day and/or night.byyyye

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