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I decided to open requests so here are the rules:

1. Request by commenting on this chapter or by inboxing me

2. Please follow the request form that I will add later

3. Please be patient. I will take my time to make sure the quality of the imagine is there

Request Form:

1. Your name (if you chose not to provide a name, I will use y/n)
2. Player Name and Team
3. Plot or scenario (Try to be as detailed and descriptive as possible to enhance the quality of the imagine)
4. Song you would like for me to base it on (optional)
5. Any extra info yoiu would like me to know (optional)

So yeah, that's it. Feel free to request whenever adn as many times you want as long as they are open.

If i happen to close requests, please don't continue to request. If you see requests closed, please don't request. I will just ignore it instead

Happy requesting!



Taty's NHL Imagines [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now