The confessions

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Chica had seated you on the edge of the stage as everyone else stood on front of you,except Golden Freddy who was ties up on the floor like he tied You up.
"Ok Goldie. Now tell everyone why we're enemies. Go ahead."Freddy said as he looked down apon Golden Freddy with anger. He sighed.
"I...I am following Afton's orders..."Golden Freddy said as he looked away.
"I knew it!"Foxy yelled and wanted to slash him,but Freddy stopped him.

"There's more to that story Foxy. I would suggest you listen."Foxy calmed down and listened to Golden Freddy with his folded arms.
"Go ahead Goldie. Go on."Freddy told Golden Freddy with a dangerous tone.
"I...well, and my broth-"
"Your bot worthy to be called my brother,but go on."Freddy interrupted Golden Freddy.
'I don't like where this is going.' You tell yourself as you look at Chica. She was at first looking at Golden Freddy,but looked at you with a smile. Bonnie was told to sit beside you,closer to Golden Freddy incase He had any ideas of grabbing her.

You looked at the floor in the silence Golden Freddy gave.
"Me and Freddy,well...I,uh..."it looked like Golden Freddy couldn't say something because He was afraid. You were looking at him with mercy in your eyes. You couldn't hold it back anymore and you ran in front of Golden Freddy.

Everyone was shocked at your action.
"Lass,what you doin'?"Foxy asked,then covered his mouth,making you confused. Chica and Freddy turn to him.
"Awe! Foxy's got a little crush on someone!!"Chica squealed as she jumped up and down while looking at you. You blush a deep crimson.
"W,what?"you ask,still blushing.

Foxy pov:

'Crap!!' I told myself,almost slapping myself.
"Awe!! Foxy's got a little crush on someone!!"Chica squealed.
"W,what?"she asked.
"Chica!"you barked at her to stop,but she didn't.
"Foxy doesn't say 'lass' to just anyone,night guard."Freddy said.
"Freddy!!"Foxy was about to lash out at Freddy with his cheeks burning up.
"Oh...we knew it all the time,Foxy."Bonnie teased as He got up. Foxy turned to Bonnie.
"W,what?"the night guard asked softly and she looks at you. You look at Her and your eyes meet for a split second,then he ran into Pirate cove.

Freddy's pov:

'Actually night guard,I too have feeling for you. Your the prettiest girl I've ever seen in ages.' Freddy told himself as he was watching the night guard's confused face as he laughed at Foxy. You then notice Godie at the back of her again.
"We totally fell off the point!! Spit it out Goldie!"Freddy yelled and slightly pushed you away.

Foxy peaked his head out to listen. Bonnie pulled y/n into him.

Bonnie's pov:

' Her hair smells so good!! I bet its as soft as it looks...'Bonnie asked and stroked the night guard's head. She turned around to face you in shock.
"Sorry. There was something in your hair. I just wanted to take it out."Bonnie said as he waved his hands in front of his chest.

Y/n pov:

'Wait,he.. He's blushing!!' you say to yourself as you saw a blush in Bonnie's cheeks. Chica then hip bumped you and had a seductive smirk on her lips.
'Wait! That means...Bonnie...likes me too...!!!' you blush deep at that thought. Chica laughs and puts her arm around your shoulder.
"Your a boy magnet here,night guard."Chica whispered in your ear with a smile.
"I have a name..."you smile and her eyes go Curious. She was begging you to tell her.
"Its y/n."you say.

Chica lets go of you and had her hands over her mouth. Bonnie and Freddy look at Chica is worry.
"Chica,wha-"Freddy began.
"Her name is y/n!!! Isn't It pretty?!"Chica yelled. Freddy looked at you in the eyes. It looked like he liked that name. As your eyes meet his,he slightly looks away. You look at Chica as she waved her hands to get our attention.

"He likes you y/n!"she lip told you. You blush again and you feel dissy and start wobbling on your feet as you held your head. You tripped and fell on top of Golden Freddy. Freddy immediately pulled you off him.
"Bonnie. Untie him. He's not gonna talk."Freddy told Bonnie. Bonnie nodded and walked over to Golden Freddy and untied him. Golden Freddy immediately ran away. Freddy,Bonnie and Chica watched Golden Freddy run away,before they started leading you to the office.

They deliver you to your office and Chica gave You water from the kitchen. And offered You pizza,but it didn't quite smell right,so you refused the slice, but it looked like she didn't mind that idea. She immediately gobbled up the slice of pizza. You stare in disgust at the thought that that slice of pizza was off.

"You ok,night guard?"Freddy asks you. You smile.
"Please. Call me by my name."you say with a smile. Freddy blushed deeply and looked away.
"Go on Freddy. Say it."Bonnie said as he placed his hand on Freddy's shoulder.
"Y,y/n..."he said hesitately and looked at you. You smile.
"Ya!"you say with joy. Freddy looks back at you and returned your smile. Chica stands beside Freddy and light punched Freddy. He laughed and Bonnie laughed along.

'This will sure be an interesting job. But I definitely am glad I signed up even through everything that happened tonight.'you tell yourself and look up at the clock. As you finish your sentence,the clock hit 6 am. The animaltronics froze. You felt so sad to be leaving,bit knew you'd have to come back tonight again for another interesting night. You stand up and grab your hat. You examine the security hat in your hand as You walked out the pizzeria.

As you were out of the pizzeria,You had a flash back of the night you had. You blushed,then walked away.
"Oh,y/n!"William ran up to you. You freeze.
"*He led us away from our parents,pretending to be an animaltronic and we were led into a room,where each of us were killed by him.*"the words Bonnie said flashbacks. You want to step back from William,but you don't.

"You survived. How was your first night?"William asked in an innocent voice. You had a quick flash back of the whole night and decided to say something else.
"Very awesome and interesting. How the Animaltronics move at night."You say,trying to hide any sucpision.
"So,your not coming back?"he asked with a little excitement.
"Oh no. Um coming back for sure. I like this job. Its interesting."you leave him with a smile and the words he most likely didn't want to hear.

You feel like he was staring at you,but you didn't care.
'i won't allow you to hurt those animaltronics.' you say in your mind as you look back at William who was opening the pizzeria to the early bird kids' party. You quickly get your phone out and dial your boss.
"Y/n! How was your first night?"
"It was great. I really love this job. But there's something else I want to talk to you about.
"Y/n. If it's how the animaltronics move at night,I can too anything about it. If I do,I'll break them for sure."
"No sir. That's not it."
"Oh? Its not? Well then I'm listening."
"Boss,it's about William..."

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