The rescue,part 1

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Afton threw Freddy onto the wall on the other side of the room like a piece of paper. He fell to the ground,but tried to help himself up to stand against Afton,but couldn't.
"Giving up so easily Freddy? Come on! It will just be funnier if I get the girl you care so much about. What Ya think?"William asked as he grabbed his axe. Freddy bared his teeth at Afton as he named the night guard.

Freddy helped himself up in pain as his arms and whole body were sore.
'I,I'm an animaltronic...why am u so sore?' he asked himself. Alton came closer with a death smile on and held his axe at Freddy.
'If I just get behind him,I could strangle him to death with my arms...'Freddy thought as he looked around the room for anything to help him. Nothing.
"If you wanna run Freddy,I'll kill everyone here on your name."Afton smirked. Freddy looked back at Afton in fear. Pictures of him and the other 3 of them,and now with the cute night guard,He bared his teeth again.

"I... won't allow that!"Freddy yelled as He got up and was as angry as ever. Afton smirked.
"Great. A real fight. Well then,Freddy. Bring it!"Afton said as he charged Freddy. Freddy was dodging all his attacks the best he could to get behind him and do his own move.
'I could use some help!'Freddy told himself as he looked around and didn't notice the handle of the axe. Afton hit Freddy with it,flinging him across the room.

Foxy's pov:

'In coming Freddy. Hang in there buddy!' Foxy told himself as he ran as fast as he could to the party room. He got to an open arch door way and saw Freddy being hit by the handle of the axe. Foxy got extra angry as Freddy couldn't get up.
"This is gonna be fun,to kill everyone on your name Freddy. I can't wait,and I'm sure you can't either."Afton said as He started walking closer to Freddy with his axe ready to cut Freddy in seconds.

Foxy then ran and hit the axe out of Afton's hand with his hook. He then stood on front of Freddy.
"Th,thanks fox,foxy."Freddy said without breath.
"No problem Fred."foxy said and helped him up.
"Oh. Foxy. Came to join the fun did you?"Afton asked with his killer smirk and his axe in his right hand. Foxy didn't look scared at all.

Y/n's pov:

'They're gonna get themselves killed!'you tell yourself As You cover your mouth with your hands in shock and fear. Bonnie had put his arm around you to comfort you,but it didn't do even the smallest affect. You watch.
' Foxy. Freddy. They're, gonna be protect me... No! I won't allow it! Over my dead body!' you yell.

You take your hands off your mouth quickly and stand up. You open the door and start running towards the party room.
"Y/n!"Chica and Bonnie yell. You Sprint towards the party room.
' No. I won't allow it. They saved me once. Now its my turn.'You tell yourself as you run.

Foxy's pov:

'Hes not gonna stop here,is he?' you ask As You stare at Afton with killer eyes.
"*Oh come on Foxy! I know who badly you want to kill this girl. How many night guard's have you killed before?*"
You remember what Goldie said in front of y/n. You bare your teeth at the horrible thought. You hold Freddy behind You and hold your hook out to the psycho Afton standing in front of You with an axe.

Y/n's pov:

You got to the arch Foxy got to from the office into the party room. You saw the 3 of them. William didn't look like he was gonna stop at all. You bare your own teeth against each other and run towards him,even if you were weaponless. Freddy,Foxy and William didn't even see or hear you coming. They must of been in a big killer mode,but no more of that!

You get to them and jump onto William,triangular strangling him.
"Leave. Them. Alone. William!"you scream as you strangle him. He dropped his axe and tried to relieve himself from your triangular strangle hold. You look up at Freddy and Foxy that looked at you in fear and surprise. You smile and just wanna say something,when you felt William was no longer struggling. You let your guard down and look if he was still alive. He smirked.
"Stupid girl."he smirked as he said this and took her throat.

"Afton! Put her down!"Foxy and Freddy yell and are about to attack William to get to you when he threw you onto the wall on the other side. You bare your voice as severe pain struck your body from your back. You slide onto the floor and was powerless.
"Y/n!"Chica and Bonnie yelled and were about to run towards you when the stopped to see Afton smirk at all the animaltronics.
"We're all here,Freddy Fazbear. Lets get this over with."

William first went for the two girls,who were Chica and you. He strangled Chica which made Freddy furious. As everyone ran to Chica,William came slowly towards you. You use your arms to slightly lift yourself up. Blood was dripping from your mouth and a little from your forehead. Lifting yourself up slightly.
"Oh gosh. Y/n!"Bonnie yelled making everyone look in your direction in fear.

William laughed as he gripped your shirt's collar and picked you up off the ground and held you in the air.
"I knew I should've disposed you from the beginning."William said,first with a straight face,then a smirk.
"Weak."he said and threw you at the door. Surprisingly,the door crashed open and you tumbled onto the tar outside the pizzeria into the rain. You were knocked out clean as you lay on the cold And wet tar.

"Y/n! Afton. That's enough!"Chica yelled,holding her cupcake. William gazed at her with a dangerous look. Chica was a bit frightened,but Freddy protected her.
"Afton. Don't hurt her!"Bonnie yelled as he got to his feet. William stopped walking and stood still,looking at Bonnie.
"Wanna go bunny boy?"he asked with a dangerous tone. Bonnie wasn't gonna back out now. His crush's life was on the line.

William smirked.
"And you've also got something to say about me fighting your beloved. Hu Foxy?"William teased. Foxy blushed,but cut it out as He went into an attacking stance.
"Lay one more hand on her and I'll rip you to pieces."Foxy yelled. William started with a soft laugh,to a loud and historical laugh.
"Try,lover boy."William said and ran to the door. Foxy ran after him.

William stood an inch outside the pizzeria door in the rain. Foxy ran to the door,but just as he tried to run out,a shock ran through his body and hit him back to everyone else:knocked out. William laughed and looked at
y/n. You wake up slowly to see shoes walking towards you. You immediately got onto your back and tried to crab crawl away,but William grabbed your shirt's collar and lifted you off the ground.

"Y/n! Afton! Leave her alone!"Freddy yelled right at the door.
"Leave her be! This has nothing to do with her!"Bonnie yelled. Chica was holding Foxy in her arms. Your eyes widened of fear as you see Foxy unconscious. William smirks and slaps you across the face.
"Afton!"Freddy yelled.
"I'm warning you!"He yelled.
"Last warning Afton!"Bonnie yelled,companying Freddy.

You blink your eyes as you slightly hear the two animaltronic boys' voices,fighting for you.
"Nice try the two. But there's nothing you can do. She and I are outside. You two are inside. You can't come out! It's raining."William said with a psycho laugh and threw you onto the floor. He got on top of you and stocked your hair.
"Hmm...pleasure,or death with this little brat..."William asked himself out loud as he smelt your hair. His eyes went back to a killer and he looked deeply into your eyes. You saw red immediately.
"Death is pleasuring for me."He said and held his axe to your neck.
"I'm gonna make you suffer slowly."he said and had a killer smile on. You look up at him with fear.

'Someone. Please,help!'

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