3. Memories Lie

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The woman from earlier guided me to a room where windows lined the walls, displaying the galaxy at its finest

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The woman from earlier guided me to a room where windows lined the walls, displaying the galaxy at its finest. "It's lovely," I comment, admiring the view. From my village, one could not see the sky so transparent, this was a sight I could grow accustomed to.

"Perhaps try sitting on the floor, Jayne," the woman suggests as she waiting by the doorframe. After my talk with Kylo Ren, I couldn't help by try, and search for that memory he implanted in my mind. At the time, I had a quick preview of what was shown, but my brain blanked seconds later.

My brother, and I were at the market one morning when the sun had barely rised. A time when most were still sleeping, and didn't have plans to wake until hours in advance. There had been alerts all over the village the day before warning us to stay at home, but we were oblivious to the circumstances. The pair of us thought that maybe, just maybe because the day had barely come to a start, we would be safe wandering to the market. However, that was not the truth.

When Jonah, and I entered the market, it was quiet, peaceful, and bright compared to the early dawn light outside. Fresh produce was being restocked, along with the microwaved dinners. The whole time we wondered the store, Junade was worried over something, but I didn't know what. I should've known by the way he begged to return home that something was terribly wrong, yet I still urged him to continue shopping for home.

The two of ya bickered back and forth, ultimately causing a disruption in the quiet store. It was brought to my attention that staying home, and abiding to the rules would've been better than what was to happen next.

My mind blanks for a second, and a memory that wasn't my own presented itself.

Jonah, being the clumsy boy he was, stepped backward, and bumped into the eye of the beholder. Within seconds, a blazing rod of light impaled my brother straight through the torso. I saw myself standing there, shock riddling my face that was drained of color. A familiar set of gloved hands wielded that flaming blade as it raised, soon striking toward my own body. My arms raised in defense, and hesitation washed over one who possessed this original memory.

We I opened my own eyes, I was comforted by an empty room, and a glaxy of stars. "I..." once again, I was speechless. Watching somebody you love die over and over again wasn't ideal, nor humorous. He murdered my brother. Kylo Ren murdered my family. Kylo Ren took away the person I use to be.

A hand rested on my shoulder, snapping me out of my depressed state."Delilah will be escorting you around so you know where things are. For now at least." Kylo stood above me, his eyes connecting with mine for only a second. I scanned the room, searching for who he might be speaking about.
A woman dressed in all white stood by the door, her arms folded behind her back, but a genuine smile on her face. Unlike the woman from before, she seemed nice. "Show her to the cafeteria," Kylo orders, gesturing to Delilah with his hand that use to rest on my shoulder.

It took ever piece of me not to scold this Sith, to shout, and cry. I wanted him to understand that I will forever be broken because of the people he's killed. "Yes, commander." Standing to my feet, an immediate wave of dizziness cursed me, causing me to stumble over slightly. Delilah grabbed onto my upper arm, and assisted me to becoming steady once more.

Studying me, Kylo furrowed his brow as he walked toward the door. "You need to eat, Jayne." As if that wasn't obvious. I followed behind Kylo until I reached the white halls. Stormtroopers stood by every door, as well as marching down the halls with their blasters held tightly to their side.

"Follow me," Delilah says, pulling me away from my curious staring. "This is where the lot of us eat, you're welcome to do the same. As Kylo has said, you are our guest." I didn't feel like much of guest, more like an outsider among these walls. The woman continued to show me the main points of the ship, including the shower room, the training room, and the loading docks.

When I was escorted back to my room, I noticed how the woman from earlier stood beside my open door. "Jayne," she greets me with a nod. When I entered back into my chambers, the door shut immediately after. Delilah showed me the finest places in this ship, yet none of them I was allowed to see by the liking of my own time. I was in dire need of some food, and possibly a shower.

Tired, and emotionally drained, I laid alone on this uncomfortable bed. My eyes burned as I stared into the darkness that surrounded me, and my thoughts were burdened with him. Kylo Ren was not only a myster to me, but also somebody who has caused utter turmoil to ripple through my life. Yet, somehow, I don't feel as much hatred as I should.

My eyes began to close, and my mind drifted off to memories where everything was peaceful again. My body was so cold even with this cotton blanket, I still couldn't find a comfortable position to lay in where my bones didn't hurt.

The next morning, my eyes peeled open to reveal Delilah gazing at my sleeping body. "Jayne? Jayne Yadira?" Her voice was so gentle that I almost felt like I was back at home. "Good, you're awake." My bones cracked, and popped as I sat upright, my eyes soon adjusting to the brightness Delilah brought in with her.

"Yes... I'm awake." I had hoped that by the time I woke, my body would've shut down from either grief, or hypothermia. "What is it?" Straightening her posture, Delilah checked her holopad.

"You're needed in the training room. Allow me to escort you." Her holopad glowed a light blue, and illuminated her ebony skin. Other than Delilah, I felt as if I were the only decent living person on this command ship. I've yet to be gifted a clean set of clothing, or given the option to clean myself. "However... you must be quite hungry."

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