9. Trust Issues

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That night, after Kylo knew Jayne was asleep, and being caressed by the nights luxury of sweet dreams, he traveled from his chambers to hers

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That night, after Kylo knew Jayne was asleep, and being caressed by the nights luxury of sweet dreams, he traveled from his chambers to hers. When Kylo neared the door, he was hesitant on opening it, knowing that going inside would be invading, and ruining their trust that has been building. Nevertheless, Kylo opened the door, mindlessly wandering over to the woman's bed.

Reaching out toward the woman, Kylo stopped just before the tips of his gloved fingers touched her forehead. Within seconds, his eyes were closed, and a memory that was not his own took over his thoughts.

Jayne was in her early childhood, 10 at most. It was weeks after her mother had given birth to the third child of the family, Jerome. Mrs. Yadira slept for most of the day, and Mr. Yadira slept through most of the night. Their schedule was well crafted, but on this night in particular, neither awoke at the sobs of their newborn baby.

Jayne awoke when the cries became louder. She stalked down the halls, and entered the room where the baby laid, watching as warm, salty tears slipped down the baby's chubby face. "Shh," she cooed, placing her hands underneath the Jerome's neck and bottom. As her hand reached to pull out the changing station platform, her grip became unstable, and the baby fell out from her grasp.

Her hands reached out, desperately trying to grab onto the baby's falling body, and for a second, she thought herself mad. In the air, the body of the infant remaind still. Jayne was completely astounded, her mind could not comprehend how her sibling was dangling in mid air. So there she stood for a couple minutes, too frightened to move from her spot. "Jayne?" Her mother asked, wandering into the room to witness the baby who was floating above the floor, inches from smacking its head. However, when Mrs. Yadira neared the infant, she knew it had already passed. It's oxygen was cut off from the grip around its throat that was allowing it to stay afloat.

"My god," Kylo says in a low voice, too involved in the event he just witnessed to even move. Jayne awoke in a sweat, tears falling from her russet brown eyes. "You..." for once, Kylo became speechless as Jayne grabbed onto him, her tears sinking into the thick material of Kylo's robes.

Although Jayne was upset over Kylo breaking boundaries, the memory of Jerome's death dug straight through her heart. After that incident, she swore to never hold a baby again, let alone be around any small animals.

The woman was sitting erect with her arms partially around Kylo's torso, her head resting against his stomach as she weeped. Blankly, Kylo watched as the woman cried, still trying to comprehend what he had just witnessed. In time, Kylo raised his arm, resting it onto the girls shoulder in a sign of comfort, only he didn't even notice it at first. "I didn't know," she admits, picking her head up to face Kylo. "After that... my family protected me within the community. But... my life was never the same."

"You've sworn against using it ever since then," Kylo says quietly, shifting his attention away from the woman. "I didn't believe Snoke when he told me about you," he says. "You need a teacher." Kylo was now looking down to Jayne with a hint of ambition.

"No," Jayne denies with a stern voice. "After what I did, I swore to never use it again." Standing from the bed, Jayne threw off the man's hand that was resting on her shoulder, eager to move away from him.

"But I can teach you the ways of the force." Kylo reached for the woman as she backed away from him, certain that she'd allow him to show her how to better herself when it came to the force. "I told you I could make you stronger. But only if you trust me, Jayne."

"Never," she argued. "I can be stronger another way, Ben. Not... not like this." In the beginning, Jayne was full of fear, and anxiety, but now she had no worry when it came to insulting this man of high power. She saw how feeble Kylo could be.

"Either way, you will end up harming somebody. You are not safe from your harmful actions. Take my hand, Jayne. So I know." Jayne watched as Kylo reached out to her, his gloved hand yearning to feel her touch. She didn't respond in the way he would've liked, instead she remained completely still.

"I hate you." Tears once again swelled in her eyes, causing her nose to tingle, and her bottom lip to quiver. "You're a manipulator, and a liar."

Clenching his fist, Kylo became angered at the woman's inane disapproval. "You're holding onto the past, let it go. You have to let go." From past experience, he knew that all Jayne had to do, is forget. Yet, Jayne thought his way of coping was fatuous when it came to the real world.

"For good reasoning I've allowed myself to remember. You've allowed yourself too much freedom... and look where you're at. Alone in a ship full of people who live to serve you." When Nina told Jayne about the fear he dealt to everyone else, Jayne almost couldn't believe it, especially now. He was hot-headed, and unable to handle his emotions.

"Where does that leave you, Jayne Yadira? Without me... you are nothing," Kylo explained, his voice low, and calm. Unlike Jayne, he was tranquil.

"You killed my family, and use it against me? You're a bastard." salty drops of water poured out from the woman's eyes as she shouted, pointing to the person who stood in front of her.

"Tell me, Jayne... tell me how we're different, you and I? Because to me... we're similar." The lights turned on, allowing Kylo to see the woman in the midst of her breakdown.

"Never. We will never be the same, Kylo Ren," Jayne states, shaking her head.

"Really?" He inquired, stepping forward, nearing the hysterical woman. Bloodshot eyes, and red cheeks, Jayne stood almost unable to speak.

"Get out of my room-"

"Because our parents are both gone in some way shape or form, we've killed someone in close relations, and we both have the ability to be so much stronger. Sure, we have our differences, but overall-"


"We are similar." Glaring daggers at Kylo Ren, Jayne continued to sob. Time after time, she attempted to yield her tears, but it never seemed to work.

"I feel nothing, but enmity toward you, Kylo Ren," she spat, trying to back away from him as he continued to increase proximity. "I..."

"Say it," Kylo urged on, shifting his head down so he could take in the woman's features.


After numerous attempts on speaking, Jayne still stuttered, and struggled to speak. "You what?"

"Can't do this anymore," she confessed, practically falling in on herself. Kylo reached for her, grabbing onto the loose material of her shirt, and gradually making her stable by leaning her against his chest. "I can't..." after a couple minutes had passed of the woman's everlasting crying, Kylo pulled away slowly, and carefully. His thumb, and index finger gently pressed against the underside of her jaw, forcing her to gaze up at his blank face.

"Please," he pleaded, finally showing some form of emotion that Jayne could comprehend. "Let me help you, Jay."

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