14. Lies upon Truths

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Ben's jaw clenched once he saw the cauterized wound that decorated Jayne's devastated face

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Ben's jaw clenched once he saw the cauterized wound that decorated Jayne's devastated face. Standing forlorn in the quiet room, she nibbled on her bottom lip, the entirity of her body filled with rancor "You knew," Jayne accuses with low energy. "You knew he wished me dead." Two red lightsabers still remained in grasp, showing the fight wasn't over until one remained.

"I had no intent of allowing your death to prevail." Ben saw the fear in the woman's eyes even as it hid behind a layer of acrimony. The room was filled death, destruction, and tension between the only two living members. Jayne's arms raised in preparation to strike at the man who just slayed his Supreme Leader, as well as the guards surrounding him. "Think about what you're about to do, Jayne," he demanded, his voice carrying across the room.

"No, you... you were going to allow that freak of nature to kill me-"

"No. You're not my enemy, Jayne Yadira." Kylo holstered his lightsaber, and began to step toward his apprentice.

"What do you want from me?" She questioned, only slightly lowering her saber.

"What I've always wanted. Join me." Watching as Ben stuck his hand outward, Jayne plunged her saber into the body beside her, expunging the connection between the neck, and the rest of the carcass.

"I am sick of this indecision that taunts me like a worm on a string. I'm tired of you constantly tricking me into believing you're somebody you aren't," Jayne complained. "I am sick, and tired of you treating me like the pathetic child Snoke so desperately wanted me to be. Fight me, I'll show you what I'm worth."

"You won't win," Ben declares as he keeps his lightsaber in its rightful place on his hip. Jayne readied her weapon, nearing her opponent with skilled hands. Right before she could strike, Ben ignited his saber, dismissing the tried attack. The two fought back and forth. Ben's only moves being blocks from Jayne's attempts. There was no denying that Jayne was much stronger then she lead on to be, but Ben didn't care much. All he wanted was to end the fury that burned in her heart. "I don't want to fight you," he huffed out as they held their savers against each other, Ben's body towering over the woman's figure.

Quickly, the woman's body hit the floor, her hands slamming onto the metal before the rest of her body. "I..." she sat completely astounded at what just went down. "I just wanted to show you that I mattered..." Ben kneeled beside the woman after throwing down his lightsaber.

"You matter to me, Jayne," he admitted as he lended her his hand. She took it, allowing her body to be pulled closer to his. Bliss encaptured the woman as he held her tightly in his grasp, her head resting on his shoulder as they kneeled on the floor.

"What happened?" General Hux questioned as he entered the room filled with dismay. Jayne slipped from Ben's grasp as he stood to his feet. His hand waved over her body, warranting her hours of sleep.

"The girl killed Snoke," Ben lied, picking up the supposed carcass of the murderer. "We need-"

"Our Sepreme Leader is dead! We have no-" spinning on his heel, ben raised his hand, forcechoking the general as the body of Jayne remained in Ben's care.

"The supreme leader is dead," ben announced, openly arguing with the general about his argumentative state. Before the man suffocated, Ben released his throat. His arm slipped back under the woman's knees, carrying her out into the halls.


Gently, her body was placed down onto Ben's bed, careful not to allow her head to bump into the wall behind her. As she set into the padding, her eyes slowly peeled opened. "Ben-"

"Hush," he ordered. "As of now, you're dead. Do you understand?" She nodded. "Jayne, we can create a new order. With Snoke dead, and the resistance already at war..." her hand caressed Ben's face, rubbing her thumb over the reddened skin. "I'm going to grab officer F41-23, and Delilah. I will be back. I promise." Placing his larger hand over hers, he let her touch calm him.

"I know you will." She let her hand fall from his face, urging him to gather the two people they needed most in order to survive if they were to escape. Ben exited the room, his robes flowing out as he walked with all possible haste. The charcoal haired woman passed by as she stared down to her holopad, not taking notice in the man who was desperately searching for her.

"Delilah," Ben called out. She whipped her head around, widening her eyes as her commander called her name. "Go to my room-"

"But sir, that's against protocol. I can't," she denied his orders. "If I do, I very well will be fired-"

"Do as I say, Delilah. Don't question me further." The woman nodded with a perplexed face, her legs frozen for a moment as she contemplated ruining her whole career. However, Ben kept his speed as he searched for his number one officer. "F41-23."

The woman had her helmet off as she drank from her bottled water. "Yes, commander? Is there something I can help you with?" Standing in the doorway with his helmet off was a sight not every officer got to witness in their lifetime.

"I need you to gather your division, and load them onto Snoke's getaway ship." placing her helmet back over her blonde hair, she prepared herself to become the leader of her division once again.

"Yes, sir. Anything more?" Ben shook his head, leaving to enter his chambers once again. He knew that Jayne awaited him, he could feel her impatience, and worry.

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