12. The Hunt on Jakku

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The ship landed upon the sandy planet where fire illuminated the village Lor San Tekka endured the rest of his life in

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The ship landed upon the sandy planet where fire illuminated the village Lor San Tekka endured the rest of his life in. In the broad ship stood Jayne Yadira with trembling hands, awaiting for the ships main entrance to expand. Kylo Ren was only inches away from his apprentice as she nibbled on her bottom lip.
With a loud click, the hatchway began to ascend, allowing the Kylo Ren to walk forth.

Jayne stood frozen as she drifted off into her thoughts, taking no notice in the open door. The two stormtroopers behind her desperately wanted to urge the woman to continue forward, but were misinformed on what her title was. "Commander," one man says, captivating the young woman. Jayne patented their efforts to make her walk, and stuck her nose in the air, showing she was confident in her persona.

The trio continued to walk behind Kylo as he ventured over to an older man who was being restrained by two troopers. "Look how old you've become," Kylo announces, glaring at the older man. Jayne kept her distance from the Sith Lord since she was unsure of his next actions.

Lor San Tekka stood one complete comfort, his eyes trailing the woman's body with curiosity. Taking notice in the everlasting stare, Kylo Ren blocked the older man's sight of his apprentice. "Something far worse has happened to you," the man says, his eyes now following over to Kylo's covered face.

Behind the older man huddled a plethora of frightened villagers, their bodies all touching from being smushed into a small area of the enormous planet. "You know what I've come for." Kylo's voice was deep, and stern behind his mask. With the voice modifier, he became far more intimidating to everyone, but the other man.

"I know where you come from," the man remarks with a voice fraught of forced intimidation that nobody cared to react upon. "Before you called yourself Kylo Ren." Jayne casted her eyes upon her commander, noticing his displeasure in the man's words.

"The map to Skywalker, we know you found it." Kylo began to near the lot of villagers, but his attention was focused on the other man. "And now, you're going to give it to the First Order." Jayne followed behind him, too worried to stand by herself even when violence was put to a halt.

"The first order rose from the dark side. You did not." The man continued to argue, and Jayne could foresee this conversation going south. However, a part of her knew this man had no arguements about the death that was certain to prevail. Kylo neared the man, inches from his face, but the man still wore a smug grin to show his amusement.

"I'll show you the dark side," Kylo retorted, his hand now resting on the holister where his saber laid.

"You may try, but you cannot deny the truth that is your family." The air around Kylo became tense, but soon lessened to seem more relaxed. Jayne became canny as Kylo Ren ceased all motives of hostility.

"You're so right," Kylo said as he ignited his lightsaber, thrashing it through the body of Lor San Tekka. Jayne gasped quietly, careful not to allow any of her protectors to know she was frightened. From behind her eyelids, Jayne witnessed a blaster's fire piercing through her abdomen. Without a second thought, she turned a full 180°, her hand outstretching to prevent the beam to reach anywhere near her body.

Kylo turned simultaneously, using the force to restrain Poe as he attempted to fire again. Together, they obviated an injury to be brought upon both of them. Jayne watched as two stormtroopers grabbed onto Poe, bringing the brunet over to her. His body was thrown to the ground in front of Kylo Ren, and Jayne Yadira. Poe sat in question, his eyes slowly trailing up the space that separated the two people who had simultaneously yielded the firing of his blaster.

Curious of who this man may be, Kylo squated down to reach the man's low level, soon inspecting the others upset expression. Neither spoke a word, but just by staring, Kylo continuously made Poe uncomfortable. "So... who talks first? I talk first-"

"The old man gave it to you," Kylo states, his voice calmer than before.

"It's just very hard to understand you with all the-" Poe's hand raised as he gestured to the robes, and helmet Kylo was dressed in. Jayne observed the scene as Poe openly joked while his life was in immediate danger. She couldn't understand how someone could be so foolish as to make jokes during such a deadly situation.

"Search him," Kylo orders, standing from his spot. His hand reached behind his body, grabbing onto Jayne's forearm, and pulling her toward the scene in an act of protection. Her body was up against his arm, and back as her trembling hands struggled against grabbing onto Kylo's arm as well. Even though Jayne was secure, Kylo still held the woman's forearm to assure himself she wasn't going anywhere. 

"-apparatus." The two stormtroopers from before, brought the man to his feet, their hands roaming Poe's body for any feel of equipment that wasn't already clear to show. Jayne was directly beside Kylo with her arms held behind her back in hopes she wouldn't mess anything up.

"Nothing sir," one stormtrooper announces after going back to their idle position.

"Take him aboard," he demands after peering over to Jayne for a millisecond. Footprints scattered across the sand in large masses as Poe was fettered, and taken aboard. Villagers whined as the woman in silver armor came into their lucid view, their sonorous pleads reaching the culpable woman.

"Sir, the villagers?" Captain Phasma inquired, her blasted resting in her gloved hands, prepared for what Kylo would demand next.

"Kill them all." Jayne stood disgruntled as her eyes focused on the calamity taking form in front of her. Enmity cursed her soul as a copious number of people were slain only feet in front of her. With Kylo having such a tight grip on her arm, Jayne knew nothing could preclude the quagmire. Kylo could sense his aprentice's ambivalent mannnerism, but he knew tugging on her arm would only cause contusions to form on her fragile skin.

Releasing her from his grasp, Kylo exhaled with indignation provoked by Jayne's rancor against the murder across the sandy land. Knowing she wouldn't be moving on her own, Kylo waved his hand down her body, forcing her body to become placid. His arms wrapped around her torso and legs, lifting her body from the ground as it became dormant. The two stormtroopers from before offered to take the woman into holding, but Kylo Ren was adamant about keeping Jayne secure in his protection.

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