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It's maybe 3 in the morning and in debating going over to my girlfriend's apartment.

I'm 17 and of course still live with my parents, but they abuse me. It doesn't matter what I do, they will yell at me and hurt me.

Tonight, I apparently missed a spot while vacuuming and now I've been told that I'm 'worthless' and 'won't ever amount to anything'.

The truth is, I came home after school and did school work for an hour then I had to go get my sisters from their bus stop. Over-protective parents, ha. I came home and did the dishes, cleaned the living room and vacuumed. But my sister wasn't listening and spilled chips on the floor, and I stepped in them on accident.

That's when my dad came in and started yelling.

I've been raising my sisters by myself for years, and I'm pissed that this is the gratitude I get.

So now I'm in my room. I've been here for hours and everyone is asleep, but Camila, my girlfriend, is still awake. She always has trouble sleeping unless I'm with her.

I decided to grab my phone and pack a small bag to go to her apartment. I'll stay with her for the weekend seeing as it is Friday. Plus, my parents think that I have to go to weekend school to prepare for college. So I told them that I'd just 'stay on campus' during the weekends so that I don't waste gas money. But I really go to Camila's.

As I packed, my hand ached. I punched the wall earlier and I now have bruises on my knuckles.

I carefully opened my window, letting the early June air in, and climbed out my window.

I started my car hesitantly. Immediately turning the lights off so that no one wakes up.

I usually go to 'college' Saturday morning, but it's Friday night. Well, technically it is Saturday morning. I chuckled.

As I droved, the moonlight showed my bruises off to me. They're worse than I thought, dark purple and blue. Not just light and red. Shit, Camila is gonna freak.

She knows about my whole situation, but can't help much other than having her place open for me to go to in times of distress.

I pulled into a parking space and rushed to her door.

I knocked without thinking and immediately winced in pain, nothing's broken. I checked. But the bruises hurt like hell.

I heard the door unlock and a sleepy Camila opened the door. She looks so beautiful, messy hair, no makeup, just a shirt and sweat pants, beautiful.

"Oh my god, Y/N!" She pulled my inside

"What happened?" She asked

"I got so mad that I punched a wall. Nothing is broke, it just hurts like hell." I sighed

She quickly ran to her kitchen to get ice and told me to sit down on her couch.

When she came out of the kitchen, she sat next to me and inspected my hand with worry. She lightly kissed it and shut her eyes, a single tear falling.

"Hey," I wiped the tears off her face gently "I'm okay."

She nodded and pulled me into a hug.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket. 4:47 am.

"Hey, can we go to bed?" I asked "I've been up for almost twenty four hours."

She smiled and led me to her bedroom. I've always loved her room. It smells like her and shows who she is. The walls are covered in pictures and posters of things she loves. Friends, family, and music. There's a guitar in here too, with a key board in her other room, her recording room. In which I also love.

But her room is more intimate to me, it's where we do things from talking to making love.

Camila and I layed down and we covered ourselves with her big, soft blanket.

Our faces were only inches apart so we stared into each other's eyes for a while in a comfortable silence.

"Move in with me." She said suddenly

I smiled but frowned.

"I want to, but there's still three months until my birthday."

"I know." She grinned "Until then, we can search for a bigger apartment, this one is already too small." She gestured to the mess of clothes on the floor

I might have helped, with some of my clothes. Most are my clothes anyway, Camila likes to steal my shirts.

I smiled and pecked her lips, but when I opened my eyes, Camila was already going in for another.

We kissed passionately until our laughs broke it.

Within minutes, we both fell peacefully to sleep.

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