The Moon and The Sun

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I took the concept of the Panic! Song "when the day met the night" and put it into this. Basically Y/N is the sun and Camila is the moon. Enjoy!


Y/N's pov:

I've always found tranquility in my thundering mind by walking along the path in the hills.

Usually I go for my walks during the night when the world is slightly quieter, it creates the illusion of peace. But my ex just threatened to rat me out because I cheated on her once while we were together.

I'm not denying it, I felt horrible afterwards and told her immediately. It's just that I did it because she wasn't emotionally there for me anymore, it was all about her every time we talked. We broke up 2 years ago and she has since had multiple people in her bedroom, but she's petty as fuck and can't let me live. She says it's out of her undying love for me, but I'm over her, she's just annoying now.

A wind began to flow through my hair as I walked towards the green, umbrella trees that covered a small area of the trail. My spot.

As I approached the area, I noticed a small girl was sitting by the flowers and sipping from a thermos. Maybe if I just ask her to move politely and don't look into her eyes too much, she'll go somewhere else and not think I'm being rude.

All was good until she looked up at me. A wave of warmth filled my body and my face turned into a tomato. I felt something indescribable that I haven't experienced in a long time. Her eyes smiled at me more and more with each breath I took.

"S- sorry." I stuttered. Shit. "It's just that I usually sit there." I gripped my left thumb with my other hand.

"Oh." The girl frowned before smiling. "I'll just move somewhere else." Her face still wore the same smile, but her eyes looked dissapointed.

I paid no mind and walked over to where she was previously sitting, only to see her thermos sitting in the grass.

Without thinking I turned around and ran toward the girl with her drink.

"Hey, you forgot this!"

"Oh my god. Thank you so much." She smiled again, sending warmth in the forms of butterflies all over in my chest.

"Yeah, you're welcome."

The girl stood there taking in the scenery around us, while my eyes were fixated on her face. I wonder how she can be so bright and happy all the time.

"Shit. I have to go, sorry." She ran her fingers through her hair. "But I must know your name."

"I'm Y/N." I held my hand out for her to shake.

"Camila." She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

Normally I would've immediately pulled away and ran off somewhere else. Hell, I wouldn't even be in this situation on a typical day. It's like she's bringing me out of my shell in a way.

"Well I'll see you later, Y/N. Do you want to meet here again tomorrow?" Camila asked.

"Uh, yeah, sure." I rubbed my temple softly. It's a nervous tic of mine, whenever I want to take away the attention of a person's eyes, I do that so that I can relax for a second.

"Okay cool, see you tomorrow!" She waved as she walked.


...(the next day)...


Sure enough, I left my apartment in the early afternoon to meet Camila. A familiar scene appeared and butterflies filled my stomach.

I sat down and pulled my book out to read while I waited. This is the time that I got here yesterday, when Camila was already here. But she isn't anywhere to be seen.

After waiting for about an hour, I got up, walked away from the trees and began my disappointing walk home. Where could she be?

A few days have passed and there's still been no sign of Camila. I've gone to those trees everyday, but today is my last time if she never comes back.


Camila's pov:


Finally, it's been four days since I've seen that mysterious girl, Y/N. Something about her brings this golden feeling to my soul.

I haven't been able to see her due to being caught up in work and chores so much, but now that I'm all caught up I can go find her.

"Bye Sofia!" I yelled to my younger sister as I opened the door to our family's house.

"Bye Kaki!"

My heels spun and I began to sprint to the park. Swerving past the smaller kids lugging their exhausted parents with them I made it to the umbrella trees.

I saw a familiar figure sitting under a certain tree and my feet pulled me towards her.

She looks upset, sick almost. Her eyes are closed and her head is resting on the trunk of the tree, yet her face makes her seem like she's barely hanging on.


Y/N's pov:


Footsteps. My eyes are closed but I can hear footsteps. I want to look just because I have hope that it's Camila, but it's probably just a kid wondering if I'm dead.

"Y/N?" My eyes shot open immediately.

"Camila." I spoke hardly containing the smile that formed on my face.

"May I sit?" She asked politely.

All I could do was nod while she sat down only a few inches away from me. Her eyes met mine for the hundredth time yet the butterflies don't seem to completely settle. It's not luke the feeling you get when a teacher mentions the word 'presentation' but the feeling you get when it was your birthday as a smaller kid.

Camila scooted closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder while slowly intertwining our fingers. Her eyes look heavy as if she hasn't slept well in a while. Stress maybe?

"Is this okay?" She asked.

"Yeah." I chuckled.

What she didn't know is that moments before she came here, I was ready to leave and never come back. Not to the park, not to even leave my apartment. I was dissapointed that she wasn't here and it was taking a huge toll on me. We've only just met and know nothing about each other, yet the chemicals moving between us is undeniable.

The atmosphere around Camila and I calmed as she closed her eyes to rest. The birds chirped softer and calmer, the kids were off in the distance, dogs and their owners simply smiled As they passed. While Camila fell deeper into sleep, she lessened the space between us. Her arms hugged my waist and her head moved to my chest making my heart and soul feel golden. I could get used to this.


It's short, I know. But hey I'm updating so that's cool! I also forgot what my plan was for this when I was like halfway done lmao, I should write stuff down more often.

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