Why Won't You Love Me

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Based off "Why Won't You Love Me" by 5 Seconds of Summer on their brand new album "Youngblood".


"I'm sorry, Y/N. I want to stay too, but I have to go my fans are depending on me." Camila spoke softly not daring to speak any louder and verify the fact that she's really about to leave half of her heart and go on tour for 10 months.

"If you really care for me then you'd tell your fans about me." Y/N said bitterly. "Then we wouldn't have to do this."

A few tears slipped from Y/N's eyes causing Camila to get that heavy feeling in her heart and an uneasiness in her stomach. She's running late and her driver will be at the door any second to take her to the airport, but Camila caved and opened her arms for Y/N to engulf herself in.

"I do care about you, so much. But management won't let me say anything about you at least until after this tour. It's the only reason I'm going." Camila whispered to Y/N while running her fingers across her lover's back softly.

"Miss. Cabello, time to go!" Ed yelled from outside the flat.

With sad eyes and a heavy heart Camila broke the mold that her and Y/N were in.

"I'll text you when I land. Goodbye, Y/N. I love you." Camila said and kissed Y/N goodbye.

Y/N sighed heavily and walked Camila to the door to be next to her for just a while longer. "Goodbye, I love you too." A sad smile shown on both the girls' faces before Camila left the building and was on her way to the airport.

The period of time between Camila leaving that building and her plane landing in the UK was a blur. Vision wise, quite literally. The only moment she can recall from the plane ride is when she thought she was finally calming down, but when she went to the plane's bathroom only to let that sob out that she had been choking down for hours.


It's been 8 months of Camila's 10 month tour and her and Y/N haven't talked in a week. As Camila wondered about Y/N, her worry grew on whether or not Y/N was cheating on her because she wasn't there.

One night Camila found herself caving and called Y/N even though it was only two in the morning. The ringing filled Camila's hotel until Y/N picked up and spoke quickly.

"Hey, sorry but I'm running late for work. I can call you later though, love you!"

The line disconnected before Camila even had the chance to breathe.

"Hey Camila," Ed knocked on Camila's hotel door. "Your manager just called and said that you can go home early, in two days. Apparently the rest of the venues flaked on us."

"Thank you, Ed. Good to know." Camila smiled widely.

The next day Y/N never called Camila back. It wasn't that she was cheating, it was simply because she took the overtime hours offered by her boss so that she could save up for something she's been planning for a while.

"So Camila, tell us everything you've got going for you." Today's interviewer smiled to Camila.

Management is finally letting her come out and tell everyone about Y/N,  to say she's excited is an understatement.

"I've been super successful this year, which I can only thank my fans for. You know? I want to be honest with them. I have this amazing person in my life, the best I could ever ask for." Camila smiled trying to contain herself.

"Who's the lucky guy?" The interviewer laughed.

"Girl." Camila laughed. "Her name is Y/N."


"Hey Y/N! Did you see my interview yesterday?" Camila rushed out as soon as Y/N picked up her phone.

"No, sorry. I've been super busy." Y/N spoke nonchalantly.

"Oh." Camila frowned.

"Yeah, I will tomorrow though. Goodnight Camila, I love you." Y/N said softly.

"I love you too, Y/N." After Camila hung up she turned her phone off to board the plane back home.

Hours later, Camila found herself running more than walking to her and Y/N's shared flat. When she approached the door and began to unlock it, she could her two women talking. One of which was Y/N but the other was unfamiliar.

She finally unlocked it after waiting for a few moments. The two voices were out of view but as she approached them, there was laughter.

"Hey, Y/N." Camila walked over towards Y/N with a shy smile.

"Hey, Mila!" Y/N smiled widely and ran to Camila with tears forming in her eyes.

The two stood there connect for a few seconds before Y/N broke their connection to introduce the other woman to Camila.

"Camila, this is my mom. I flew her in to town after she saw your interview and I told her all about us." Y/N spoke with pride.

The three spent the rest of the night filling the flat with laughter, and all was well again.


Hey sorry I know this is crap, but it was in my drafts for a while and I wanted to post it while I'm still kinda busy with life.
Enjoy I guess lol.

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