Chapter 7

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Dinah's POV

After Lauren fed Karla. Sofia came in and put her back in the incubator and hooked her back up to the machines. After she was done, she checked her vitals and stuff. "Wow this is heart breaking Lauren. How the hell do you do this every day." I said sticking my hand in to the incubator and gently rubbed her back with my fingertips. While Lauren fixed herself. "You wanna touch her Mani?" I asked she nodded. "Ok." I put some hand sanitizer on her hands. "Be genital. Ok?" "Otay." She put her hand in the incubator. "She's so wittle momma." She said. I looked at Lauren with wide eyes whose jaw was practically on the floor. I choked back tears. "I sowwy DJ." She corrected herself. I sat down with Normani in my lap. "Normani baby it's okay with me if you call me momma. As long as it's okay with you." I said. She started to tear up. "You won't weave wike mommy and daddy, will you?" She asked tears running down her face. Lauren came over to us and put a hand on my arm. She took Mani from me "Mani baby we will never leave you. You are our baby girl just like Karla is our baby girl." Lauren spoke softly. Normani hugged Lauren tight and sobbed. "No weave mami no weave." She sobbed into Lauren's neck. I stood up and leaned over whispering in her ear. "No one is leaving you baby girl." I said to her.

"I'm gonna get some fresh air." I said when Normani was calm enough, I went into the hall sat down and placed my head in my hands. "Dinah? Are you ok?" Sofia asks placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her. "Normani called me momma and then she corrected herself and called me DJ. Cause she got scared to call us momma and mami because she's afraid we're going to leave her." I said. "Oh wow. That's good though isn't it." Sofia asked. "It is and I'm happy. It's all just starting to get to me. Losing Rio and Karla here, her losing weight and her taking to the breast milk so well. Now Mani calling me momma, but is afraid we're gonna leave. It's almost too good to be true." I said. "Oh, Hun trust me this is real life. What happened to Rio was no one's fault you and Lauren both now that. Those little girls love you and Lauren. Normani calling you momma means she trusts you enough to love her unconditionally. It's not about DNA Dinah it's not about whether or not she came from you and Lauren hell it's not about custody. It's about how at the end of the day whether or not you and Lauren are going to be there for those little girls in there. There is not a doubt in my mind that you and Lauren will not give all your love to those girls. Go back in there with your family Dinah they need and love you." She said. "Thank you, Sof." I stood up and I gave her a hug.

We walked back into the room. Sofia was changing Karla's IV. I looked at Lauren and Normani their hands were both on Karla. I walked over and put my hand on top of Lauren's and Mani placed her hand on mine. A few minutes later I heard my phone ding. It was a picture of us. I looked up at Sofia who smiled at me and walked out. I showed Lauren "Oh my god. I love that picture. Send that to me." "When is Karla's next feeding?" I asked while sending her the photo. "Uh 8. I feed her every two hours for a half an hour. So, her last feeding was at 5:30 she stopped nursing at 6. So, I go by the time she stops nursing" she said. "You have it all scheduled nicely." She nodded. "Mami why Karwa bit you booby earwier." Normani asked. Sofia and I started laughing and Laurens eyes went wide. "Um that's how she eats baby. Mami has milk in her breast and that milk is going to help Karla grow big and strong. Just like your big and strong." Mani placed a hand on top of Lauren's breast. "Is I gonna get mami milk?" She asked and turned her head a little to the side. Lauren looked at me then back at Mani. "Sure sweetheart." Lauren sat down with Mani in her lap. She lifted her shirt and unclipped her bar. "Go ahead sweet girl." She said with a smile. Normani latched on and started suckling. I watched in awe and smiled happily.

*20 minutes later*

"Hey Manibear you wanna go see grandma?" I asked. Normani unlatched from Lauren. "Es. Pease." She said. Lauren passed Mani to me. "We'll be by later with some dinner for you." I said, "Ok sounds good." I kissed Lauren. "Mami and Momma sittin in a twee K-I-S-S-I-N-G." I stopped kissing her, Lauren started blushing and Sofia busted out laughing.

"Mani be quite." I said playfully. She giggled and her hands over her mouth. I pecked Lauren on the lips one last time, and then we left. As we were in the elevator. I looked at Mani "You're just a little trouble maker aren't you." I said tickling her side she started giggling. There was someone else in the elevator with us. "You have a beautiful daughter." She said, "Thank you she's my little miracle and her sister is to." I said with a smile.

Lauren's POV

It's been about 15 minutes since Dinah and Normani left. I sat down in the rocking chair. I went on to my phone and opened the picture Dinah sent me. I set the picture as my home and lock screen to my phone. I texted Nick to see how everything was going at the station. He said all was well nothing new to report same old same. Then I texted Hailee to see how Karla's adoption was coming. After I sent the text, I put my phone down and closed my eyes. A few minutes later I heard my phone ring.

*Phone Call*

L: Hello?

H: Bish. Why aren't you or Dinah answering the damn door? I've been standing out here for 10 minutes.

L: Door what door Hailee I'm at the Hospital with Karla and Dinah took Mani to see her grandmother.

H: Oh shit. That's why y'all ain't answering the door. Is Dinah going to see Karla after or she gonna come home?

L: She going to come back here for a little bit and give me food and probably hang out for a little while. Why what's up? What's got you so hyped up?

H: I have some news for the both of you and I wanna tell you both at the same time. So, I'm going to come down and hang out with you till Dinah gets back then I'll tell you.

L: Okay?

H: ok. See you in a bit love ya girly.

*End of Call*

Well, that was weird. Then I got another call from Dinah.

*Phone Call*

L: What's up babe.

N: Mami wha you wants for dinner.

L: Hey baby girl. Mami will take anything you want baby. Are you done with grandma already?

D: We'll talk about it later.

L: Why does everyone keep saying that?

D: Lauren please we will talk about it when I get there. She said with a shaky breath.

L: Ok baby. We'll talk later. By the way Hailee is coming down to talk to us about Karla.

D: Oh god please not more unwelcome news. I don't think I can take it.

N: Momma no cwy.

D: I'm sorry baby. What do you want for dinner Manibear?

N: I no know. Wha Mami wan?

L: How about a sandwich?

D: Sounds good to me. Mani?

N: Otay.

L: Ok. I'll see you guys in a bit. I love you both

N: I wove you too Mami

D: I love you too babe.

*End of Call*

I really hope Hailee has some good news for us. Because by the way Dinah sounded, something tells me that visit did not go well.

A/N: little bit of a cliffhanger. I'm sorry I love y'all 💚💚

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