Chapter 13

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*3 Weeks later*

No One's POV

"And you both swear love and care for this little girl for the rest of her life?" The judge asked. Lauren over at Normani and Hailee then at Dinah. "We swear." They both said. "From now on Normani Kordei Hamilton will be known as Normani Kordei Hansen-Jauregui. Then it is with great pleasure with the power vested in me by the state of Florida and Miami Dade county. I grant you both soul custody over this beautiful little girl." The judge banged the gavel and smiled. The young toddler squealed happily ran from Hailee to her mothers. "Mama! Mami!" She shouted and hugged them. "Congratulations you two. I'm so happy for all of you." Hailee said.

*A few hours later. *

Lauren walked into Camila's room holding a sleeping Normani with Dinah followings in after them. They saw Zendaya holding a now sleeping Camila. "Oh, hey guys." She said rocking back and forth. "Hola chicas. How was court." Sofia asked as she came walking into the room to check Camila's vitals. "Sofi, Daya." Lauren said with a sad face. "Oh no Laur, DJ I'm so sorry. What happened?" Zendaya asked. "We would like to introduce you guys to Normani Kordei Hansen-Jauregui." Lauren said happily and softly kissed Normani's cheek. "Girl Ima beat yo ass for that." Zendaya said and got up. Sofia, Lauren, Dinah laughed. "Yaay. I'm so happy for you guys." Sofia said. They had a little group hug.

"But, seriously congratulations to all of you." Zendaya said. "And how is our other little peanut?" Dinah asked carefully taking the sleeping infant from Zendaya. "What day is it today?" Zendaya asked. "Oh I believe it is Thanksgiving." Sofi said cheerfully. "And oh how thankful we are." Lauren said. Sofia and Zendaya smirked at each other. "Oh, but that's not all." Sofia said. Zendaya playfully hit Sofia with some papers. "Anyway. Let's just say the good doesn't end there." She said. "What does that mean Daya?" Dinah asked. "Well first you both may want to put the girls down." She said. They looked at her confused. "Just trust me." She said. They both nodded. Dinah placed Camila back in her crib and Lauren placed Normani on the couch.

"Now while you guys were in court the doctors came in and well..." She paused "It looks like you're not just taking one little girl home this afternoon." She said. Laurens eyes went wide "Oh please. Please. Please. Don't tease us Z." Lauren said with a shaky breath. "I'm not. I swear I'm not. I promise." Zendaya said. "Sofia back me up here." She said. "She's right. I was in the room when the doctors came in. Look guys Camila is eight months old now. She barely been out of this room let alone off this floor. She has come so far from when she from the day she was born." Sofia said. Lauren held Dinah's hand tightly and nodded. "She's gained weight and grown. Yes, she is still under weight but its no longer life threatening to her. Obviously, we're still going to keep a close eye on her. But, Camila needs to be home with her mothers and big sister. Not stuck in the sucky stuffy ugly hospital room any longer than she has to be." She said.

Lauren started crying and Dinah nodded holding back her own tears. Lauren walked over to her youngest daughter's crib and picked her up without waking her. "The vas a casa mi amor. Finalmente the vasa a casa dulce niña." (You're going home my love. You're finally going home sweet girl.) Lauren whispered to the eight-month-old.

*30 Minutes later*

"Oh my god. Those outfits are so freaking cute. Man, I wish Davis had one to match the girls." Zendaya said while playing with Camila's hair. "Oh yes where is our favorite little Davey today and are you guys coming over?" Dinah asked while fixing Normani's hair. "He is with Tom at my parents' house. They should be heading back soon though. Yes, we're coming tonight we wouldn't miss this for the world and I hope you guys don't mind but I invited Olivia and Matty too." She said. "Oh no not at all that prefect actually." Lauren said and handed her a gift bag. "Here." Lauren said. "What is this?" Zendaya asked and opened the bag. "Oh my god! Yes! I love it!" She said happily. "Selena wanted to match Mani. We figured Davis would want to match too and we didn't want to leave Matty out either." Dinah said. "Awe all the kids are matching. I love it. Man, Davis and Matt is out numbered. Someone needs to hurry up and have another boy." She said and pointed to Sofia.

They all laughed and Hailee waked in

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They all laughed and Hailee waked in. "Oh no, no, no. This factory is closed." She said. "Sofia you're only 25 don't close up shop just yet." Lauren said. "Laur, I don't know. I love kids but I don't know if I truly want any." She said and shrugged. They all looked at her. "Okay maybe someday. I won't knock the idea completely." She said. "Listen Sofia whatever you decide. We will stand by you one hundred and ten percent. Deciding to have a baby isn't an easy decision unless your Lauren and Dinah. If they could if they would. They'd be popping out babies left and right if they could." Hailee said walking into the room. Lauren and Dinah laughed and nodded "By the way Z Davis and Matt are no longer the only boys. The has been scale is evened out." She said smiling. "What!?" They all said.

"Hey wait was this the big surprise you had for us tonight?" Dinah asked "Yes, it is

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"Hey wait was this the big surprise you had for us tonight?" Dinah asked "Yes, it is. Say hello to the newest member of our crazy little clan. Shawn Peter Raul Steinfeld." She said as she pulled the stroller into the room. They all looked at the women in shock. "It's a boy!" They all said. "Oh my god look at him. He's so little and cute. Babe, I want more kids." Lauren said shaking Dinah's arm. "Way to go Haiz. You know she's gonna be hounding me for more kids now." Dinah said playfully rolling her eyes. They all laughed "When did you have him?" Sofia asked. "November 8th." Hailee said. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold the hell up. That was two damn weeks ago. You mean to tell me you've been holding out on us for two damn weeks?" Zendaya said and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Okay I wasn't exactly holding out on you. I'm a single mother and I was just trying to get him on a schedule before having him meet anyone. Hell, my parents hadn't met him till this morning when I dropped him off at their house before court." She said "Oh okay that makes me feel better." Zendaya said and softly caressed the newborns cheek. "God, I miss Davis being this small. I think I'm gonna asked Tom if he wants another baby." She said. "You and Tom are getting serious huh?" Hailee asked. "Wait another baby? Leo is Davis's dad." Dinah said. "I've always loved him." She paused. "And Leo isn't actually Davis's father." She said.

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