Chapter 15

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No One's POV

Everyone stopped and looked at the young couple. Demi got up and walked over to Lauren and Camila. "Oh, my goodness. She's gotten so big from the last time I saw her." Demi said and caressed the infant's cheek and looked at Lauren. "May I hold her?" Demi asked. Lauren nodded and carefully hand Camila over to her. "Nick, I want another one." She said to her husband. Nicks jaw dropped and looked at Dinah and pointed to her. "This is your fault. Thanks Dinah." He said. "What? How the hell is this my fault?" She asked as everyone laughed. "Dinah it's your fault that every woman in this room wants another baby." Tom said. "Again, how is this my fault? Hailee is the one with two-week-old." Dinah said and pointed to Hailee. "Oh no, no don't bring me and Shawn into this. Plus, Dinah was the reason I wanted a kid." Hailee joked. "HA SEE!" Nick shouted. Dinah rolled her eyes.

Demi continued to caress her cheek and rock Camila. "How old is she now?" Demi asked. "8 months" Lauren said. "My god she still so freakin little. If I didn't know better, I would have thought she's was a newborn." Nick said. "Yeah, that's because she was born so prematurely." Sofia said. "She'll be okay though right?" Olivia asked. "Oh yeah she's gonna be fine. It was scarier when she lost weight then the fact that she looks like a newborn." Zendaya said. "I don't how you two do it." Olivia said. "It takes a lot but we do it." Lauren said.

*One Month Later*

"All rise for the honorable Judge Ed." The court lackey said. Everyone rose to their feet. The judge walked in then stopped. "Ah you two again." He said with a smile. Lauren and Dinah smiled happily. He sat down. "Alright first order of business. Thank you everyone for coming today and Merry Christmas to all. Now where is my little friend Normani?" He asked. He smiled when Zendaya who sat behind the mothers stood up with the toddler on her hip. Normani smiled and waved to the man. "My, my how you've grown. Now tell me are you excited to have a little sister?" He asked the girl. "Yes! She's awesome." The toddler said. "And are you gonna be a good big sister?" He asked. "Yes!" She said.

"Alright then that's all I needed to hear." He said and looked down at the papers in front of him. "Okay let's get this hearing started. Who do we have with us today." He asked. "This is Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao also known as Cami or Camila." Hailee said. "Karla. Very good and tell me what is her story Ms. Steinfeld?" He asked. "On March 3rd Karla was brought in to the world via Emergency C-section performed by none other than Captain Lauren Jauregui." She said. Ed stopped and looked at the couple in shock. "I'm sorry if I'm remembering correctly, you got Normani and Karla on the same day. Yeah?" He asked.

"Yes, your honor that is correct. They got both of the girls on the same day" Hailee said "Why am I just now hearing about this emergency C-section?" He asked. "At the time of Normani's adoption, it didn't seem relevant." Hailee said. The judge nodded "What was the nature of the emergency C-section?" He asked. "Well detectives Lovato and Hernandez were dispatched out to a residential home for a possible shoot out. After assessing the scene they felt that reinforcement was necessary so they called for back up. When they were finally able to to enter the home the four officers were met with a horrific sight. Karla's father had shot her mother and then himself. All four officers thought they were both deceased."

Lauren and Dinah choked back tears at the memory and Demi and Ally felt chills. "Would you both like to take a recess?" Ed asked the mothers "No your honor." Dinah said. "Okay." He said with an understanding nod. "After retracing the events that had occurred in the home. Camila's mother had muttered up just enough energy and will power in her seemingly lifeless body to beg Captain Jauregui to save her daughter." Hailee said. The judge wiped tears from his eyes. "Alejandro and Sinuhe had immigrated from Cuba. I finally reached out to the family they said they had no idea that Sinuhe was even pregnant. When I asked if they would like to take Karla back, they immediately said no. They signed away all rights to Karla. There was -" Hailee said.

"No need to continue Ms. Steinfeld. I have made my decision. On this day December 24th, 2018. I hear by grant soul custody of Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao to Lauren Michelle Jauregui and Dinah Jane Hansen. This child will now be formally known as Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao. This child will now be known as Karla Camila Jauregui - Hansen." Ed banged his gavel and stepped down from his seat and walked over to the couple and stood in front of the infant's stroller. "May I?" He asked. Lauren and Dinah nodded. Ed picked up the infant. "You will never be abandoned again sweetheart." He whispered to the infant.

Later That Same Day

No One's POV

All the kids were playing and running around the Hansen-Jauregui household. Dinah was playing spaceship with Matty. Lauren and Hailee were breastfeeding Camila and Shawn. When Demi and Nick walked in to the room. "Mommy" Selena shouted and ran over to them. Nick picked up his daughter and kissed her cheek. "Hello babygirl daddy missed you. This is your fault Hansen!" Nick said. "Huh? What I do now?" Dinah asked putting Matty down with the other kids. Demi held up a positive pregnancy test. Lauren and Hailee gasped and got up. "You're lying." Hailee said. Demi shook her head and smiled. "I just found out this morning." She said. "Oh My God." Lauren squealed and hugged her.

"Aah!" Nick screamed closing his eyes and covered Selena's eyes as he walked away as quick as he could. "Their boobs Nick get over it. Everyone women in here have them." Lauren said and rolled her eyes. "I'm aware that you all have boobs but they are not my wife's boobs so there for I don't want to see them." Nick said. "Whatever Nick. Congratulations Demi. I'm so happy for you both." Lauren said. Nick punched Dinah's arm. "Asshole" he said. "Ow Damn. Again, how the hell is this my fault." She asked. "One your easy target and two your kinda hot." Hailee said. The rest of the day went on. They had dinner and the parents got all the kids to bed. They all sat in the living room laughing and joking. "So, besides Mani and Cami. You two gonna have any more kids?" Nick asked. Dinah thought about it. "Yeah, one day." Lauren said. Dinah looked at her wife surprised.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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