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Oh wow, you're excited... 

Well, here it goes, from the beginning:

______October 11th, 1972______

The 11th day of the 10th month in the year 1972, I was born on the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit at 3:00 am exactly. My mom's name was Brenda S. Jameson and she had just been in labor for 3 hours when I came to the world, holding my father's hand, Michael T. Jameson. 

I was a product of their love, my mom was  a hardworking nurse and my dad was a strict businessman, but with a familymans' mind. He really loved kids, no not in the creepy way, like in the normal way. 

I came home for the first time when I had been in the hospital for 2 days for observation, the doctors had heard an anomaly in my heart and had kept me in just to be sure it wasn't something serious.

"Welcome home, Hector..." My mother had said as she walked in for the first time while holding me in her arms. 

Oh right, there's a good one. Hector, that was my name when I was alive. So, there you have it. I dissed myself and raped myself, kinda. Hectors Rectum, remember? 

My father followed close behind her and looked at me over her shoulder with a smile. 

My mom was really beautiful, she had blonde hair with curls that went down to her waist like blonde waves, big, sweet, blue and warm eyes filled with love and a big smile to match them. 

Yeah she kinda resembled Kim in a way I guess... I dunno, only difference is that Brenda was loyal and fucking nice.

She always wore no makeup, she was a natural beauty and I don't know if she knew that herself, but my father always wanted her to be natural cause she didn't need any make-up. Which I agreed on when I got older, but back to the story. Let's talk about my father.

My father had dark brown hair, a pointy nose, green eyes and... Shit I dunno how to describe guys, cause hey, I don't pay too much attention to 'em... 

Green eyes and a sharp jawline, like mine, he was fit and always kept himself in shape since he went to the gym everyday after being at the office.

"He looks like you." Michael chuckles and kisses Brenda's cheek with a smile. 

"We'll see when he grows up, I'm sure he'll be as handsome as his father..." She smiles and looks at him and he kisses her lips gently. I was a little chubby bitch of a kid, holy shit was I fat. I was like a damn balloon. 

I had a round belly, big, blue eyes and my hair was blonde so I looked fucking bald when I was a baby - quit fucking laughing cunt - however I grew it off as the years went by and I grew up, my hair darkened from blonde to brown with the years and instead of being as fat I was when I was a baby, the fat spread more and I grew into my skin and became thin instead. 

Our house wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either. It was a two-story house with big windows and a wooden door. White panels outside and some brick-wall on the lower half of the walls. The  backyard was closed off with a fence so we had more privacy. 

Hmm... I loved that backyard. I have so many memories from there. I remember once when I sat under the tree we had back there, in my overalls. Right, when I was a kid I wore my overalls 24/7, I remember it drew my mom nuts. She always told me I had to wear something else than overalls so she could wash them, but I didn't wanna take 'em off. You see, my overalls were like my teddy when I was a kid. Y'know how a teddy is your protection at night and also your friend? That's what my overalls were back then. 

They were my protection from other peoples opinions, I used to refer to it as a shield... I let out a little chuckle, before I quickly grunt and cleanse my throat at the happy memories that went through my mind. I look up from my papers and look into the wall in front of me with a frown as I cross my arms over my chest as a sudden rush of all the memories went through my head again...

I swallow hard and look back at the book, DON'T LAUGH AT ME!! I'M NOT CRYING!!! I'M NOT HAPPY!!! I'M NOT!!!! I get up and smash the one lightbulb in the ceiling into pieces as I scream and let out shaky breathes in the complete darkness... 

- - - - 

You frown a little as you saw the letters in the diary write "I'M NOT!!!!" and look around your bedroom a little confused, it sounded like you had heard that scream somewhere... And, sure you can imagine a scream and hear it in your head, but... This one sounded like it came from the basement of your own house...

❊ The scream of the man writing the diary, sounded too real to be imagination...❊

A) Close the diary and go to sleep, you can't sit up all night either... You're probably just tired anyways.

B) Close the diary and go down in the basement and check

C) Leave the diary in your room and go down in the basement and check

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