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My name is--

Fucking hell that joke is getting old, anyways... 

I'm Slim. Yeah you read that right, here I am. In a fucking room alone and writing in this fucking diary cause SOMEONE WANTED TO FUCKING KILL ME!!


Yeah, you. Fucker. 

Anyways... Since you're here, you probably read the diary of that cop, Allison was it? I dunno, I forget names of whores easily...

Oh did that offend you? Then I suggest you to fuck off, you little whiny cunt!

This is MY story! MY BOOK and MY MIND! If you don't fucking like it, then get the fuck out instead of reading this! 

Aight, well... To those who ain't easily offended and wanna know what the fuck this book is gonna be about: It's gonna be about me. In my perspective and in my words, in MY mind. Stay as long as you wanna, but those who stay in my mind for too long, tend to end up in the asylum. Just be warned. Haha. That's gonna be my first and only warning in this...

What you're about to read, is my entire life story. You thought im just a product of Marshall's mind? Nah, I'm far from that... I'm a real person. Well, was. Until I was killed. 

Got your attention there? Great...

Ready for a hell of a ride into my fucked up brain? 


❊ Ready? ❊


B) I guess

C) Dear Slim, I wrote you but you still ain't calling...

The Story of Slim ShadyWhere stories live. Discover now