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You look at his big grin, frowning. So until this moment... He has lost the person that knew who he was and knew his name. He lost the person he cared about and the person he liked, perhaps even loved. Losing the person he tried to save, but never saved mentally. You look at him quietly, nibbling your lower lip as his smile fades away slowly and his face turned emotionless with his normal killing blue eyes.

"You always say you're the devil... So since you're a spirit, have you ever tried to communicate with Macy's spirit?" You ask and look over at him, the black around you both slowly fades into becoming the forest again, you look around you at the fast forward of the trees growing leafs, the leafs turning all sorts of different colors and then falling to the forest ground. He was showing you the years pass by in fast forward, and each and every day for the following years, Hector came here to the forest. Each day. Placing a flower by the tree Macy had hung herself from, one new flower every day. 

You look over at Slim as he was staring at the flowers decay and turn into dirt below the tree, but Hector kept placing one new flower every day - until it stopped and the fast-forwarding stopped. You look at Slim again.

"What happened? And you didn't answer my question..." You keep looking at Slim, he turns his head and meets your gaze.

"I wasn't the devil when I was alive." He says with an emotionless gaze, you frown a little. "And Hector isn't coming today or ever again, cause he's talking to me today." You get big eyes as the forest fades into black again and you suddenly stood in the middle of a boys bedroom, with action figures standing in the window pane of the window facing out to the backyard, posters of cars on the walls, a messy bed in the middle of the room and on the floor by the end of the bed, sat Hector on the floor. In his overalls as always and a box on the floor in front of him...

"Are you insane??" You look at Slim with big eyes, he just raises a brow at you with a dumb look on his face

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"Are you insane??" You look at Slim with big eyes, he just raises a brow at you with a dumb look on his face. "...right." You mumble and look back at Hector as he pulled the board out of the box slowly, placing the board on the floor of his bedroom and placing the triangle on top of it. He looks at the back of the box with a frown, then throws the box away as he didn't bother reading the instructions.

He places his hands on the triangle and looks at the board, nibbling his lower lip for a while before he opens his mouth. 

"Is Macy here?" He asks while looking at the board, you look at him scared and swallow hard. You weren't easily freaked out of scared like this: But you don't fuck with a Oujia-board!! HELL NO! Hector sighs, nothing happened. "Is ANYONE here then?" He asks instead, looking at the board expecting nothing to happen once again as Slim cracks his neck beside you. You look over at him just when Hector lets out a surprised sound, you quickly look back, seeing the triangle was placed on YES and Hector had huge, surprised eyes.

"Oh God..." You mumble.

"Shut up, pussy." Slim snaps in return and cross his arms over his chest as Hector looks around with big eyes, before cleansing his throat. 

"Ehm... W-who are you?" He asks, the triangle moves back a little and then returns to YES. You frown.

"Whoever it is, doesn't wanna tell who he or she is..." You mutter and look at Hector, just as the triangle moves fast around on the board.






"Sat--"Hector starts to say what the word spelled out was, but realizing what it was; he quickly pulls his hands away from the triangle with a scared look on his face, quickly he grabs the board and throws it out of his window and into the backyard of his home, shutting the window quickly and closing the curtains while breathing heavily. You look at him with big eyes and grab Slim's arm and hug it scared. 

"Oh my God!! No!! Now he's free to roam wherever he wants!!" You yell out, realizing Slim hadn't spoken in a while, you look up at him.

Seeing he was just grinning from ear to ear and looking down at you with a staring gaze, his blue eyes fading away into a pure white color in his eyes as he looked at you with a big grin on his face.

"You're so fucking dumb, (Y/N)..." He grins, you let go of his arm with big eyes as you take several steps back while watching him. "Jumping into my journal... Even after reading my warnings... Even after reading my prologue..." His grin widens as he walks towards you, you keep walking backwards as the room around you fades away into a total blackness before you back against a wall. You look around with big eyes, seeing the room was covered in blood, but it was Hectors bedroom.

Slim grabs your hand and put it against his chest, then put your other hand on your own chest, exactly where he put your hand on his, he placed your other hand on your own chest. The exact same place. 

But you didn't feel a pulse. 

You frown and look at him as his head twitched from side to side, too fast for your eyes to be able to keep up so his head was jut a big blur. You let out a shaky breath, then his head stops twitching and he just looks at you with a big grin on his face.

 You let out a shaky breath, then his head stops twitching and he just looks at you with a big grin on his face

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"I'm getting bored of waiting.... Let me tell you how I died." He says in a deep, raspy voice as his creepy grin widens.

The blackness around you fades into a dark forest, he points up in a swift move and you slowly look up, seeing the full moon was moving up over the top of the trees in the midnight sky.

The blackness around you fades into a dark forest, he points up in a swift move and you slowly look up, seeing the full moon was moving up over the top of the trees in the midnight sky

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A) What do you mean you're bored of 'waiting'?? What are you waiting for??

B) I don't trust you anymore... I wanna go back home...

C) ....RUN.


A/N: What do you think of the trailer and what are your thoughts on the story?

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