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"But... What about Little Susie??" You whimper a little and look at the dead body of Hector laying by the tree and then over to Slim as he quietly looked at his past being dead. He looks over at you with his blue eyes and sniffles a little, taking your hand in his and walking down the forest to the tree.

You look around as sun goes up and down, showing the time was passing. Every day, little Susie peeked out from the tree in hopes of her dear brother to show up and stop the game of hide and seek and the shh-game. 

Her little dress on and dirty, raggedy almost... Her blonde hair full of dust from the tree along with dirt, her blue eyes sad and her plump lips closed and sealed.

With each day passing, her usual round features sunk in, her hair turning dirty and thin on her head as she sniffled and looked out the tree, every day. Slim looks at his sister in total silence as she looked out the tree, her blue eyes dry and puffy of the crying at the pain she was in at the lack of food, water and company. 

She peeked out the tree at the sound of sirens, Slim looks at you at that. Beside the tree, you saw a split and you could now see that cops had found the bodies of their parents. You look at it happen sadly and look back at Susie as she hugs her knees again in the back of the tree. 

"You have to run, Susie!! You have to get out, live life! He's not... He's not coming, Susie..." You try while whimpering, tears streaming down your cheeks. Police walks through you both and down the forest, you try jumping in front of them to stop them all from walking to find Susie, but as her brother had told her 6 days ago... Hide and seek. So she hid in the shadows in the back and sat completely still and silent. You look at the split again and see the cops finding Hectors body, seeing them close his blue, dried eyes, taking crime scene pictures... Noting down findings, before putting his body into a black bodybag. 

And with that, the split faded away into forest and you look back at Susie. Sitting down by the entrance of the shallow tree, hoping and praying for her to walk out of there before it was too late...

Until one day, she stopped peeking out the tree. You slowly lay your head on your knees with a sniffle and sob, knowing what the time had done to the poor little girl by the name of Susie Rose Jameson... You look inside slowly, seeing Susie sitting in the back, her arms wrapped around her knees as they were pulled against her chest and her head resting on her knees. No sounds came from Little Susie, no sobbing or crying anymore, no laughter or smiles, no dancing around with her Brother Hector... You look at her and then over to Slim as he looked away from the tree while swallowing hard.

"I don't wanna be here anymore, I don't wanna know anymore!!" You cry and stand up, Slim doesn't respond as he keeps his mouth shut. "I wanna go home!!" You shove him, he grabs your hands in his and turns to you as you look at him with a whimper. 

"You can't close the book before the story is over, and the final chapter still remains...  Chapter 10." He says as he looks at you, he was trying not to show it, but his blue, usually cold eyes were full of sadness as he looks at you while nibbling his lower lip hard to focus more on pain than emotions. 

"One more chapter?" You whimper as you look at him, he nods. 

"One more chapter... Then the story is over. I promise." He nods, both his hands in yours as he looks at you sincere. You look at him quietly.


A) "One last chapter, nothing else!"

B) "I'm too tired and exhausted from all the crying that I can barely open my eyes to read the last chapter... Spare me"

C) "I'm 19 and I never learned how to fucking read"

The Story of Slim ShadyWhere stories live. Discover now