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Uh... Did I say funeral?


Damn it, I wanted that to be a surprise. Ugh... GODDAMNIT SLIM YOU ALWAYS FUCKING RUIN IT YOU DUMB BLONDE!!!

Okay, when I was 13 years old, I met Lucy and learned how to use my dads chainsaw, right?

The next few weeks I would go out with my dad into the forest and help him take trees down so our house in the middle of the woods wouldn't get overgrown by trees - WHATEVER. But every night, I'd take his chainsaw from the shed and do it by myself. Only thing is that I didn't just cut down trees, I made something out of them.

I've always been good at making things out of nothing, and I really liked the way the chainsaw roared to life, the power that shook in my hands from her engine, the sound of her screaming when pushing the blade-button so the blade went around... Damn this is making me horny....Mmmh...

Where was I again? Oh, her.

After getting back home from my dada's daily forest trip, I'd go to my mama... I'd give her a kiss and help her with the dinner, I've always been good at slicing and cutting so I cut up the vegetables for her.

"You're such a good boy, Hector..." She always told me and kissed the top of my ginger-head. I'd smile a little, happy. I loved making my mama proud, making her say such sweet things to me... Making me feel loved.

I'd put the plates on the table and walk up to my newly born sister, Susie Rose. I loved her with all my heart, she was my little sister. I'd do anything to protect her, I always told her that and my parents thought it was adorable. I remember all the times I saw her like it was yesterday...

Look, I have a picture of her little babyface...

Isn't she the sweetest little angel you've ever seen? I picked her little body up gently and let her rest in my arms as I walked out to mama again, she smiled and took her from me

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Isn't she the sweetest little angel you've ever seen? I picked her little body up gently and let her rest in my arms as I walked out to mama again, she smiled and took her from me... Calling me a good big brother. And I was. I always protected her... Always me before her, even when we died... 

Talking about my little sister and thinking back to those times were it was good, reminiscing and just... Remembering... 

It makes my frozen heart beat. I feel warm inside and... Happy. My family, I loved them. I loved them so much... And now they're... all gone. They're all dead...

I'm a 28 year old man, so they say... But it's wrong. 

I'm a 15 year old boy, trapped in a 28-year olds body... 

Just a little kid missing my mom and dad and sister... 

You frown as you read the pages as some wet stains appeared on the page, tears. 

They say I'm heartless and ruthless... But I have a fucking reason to be. I'm heartless cause my heart was ripped out in front of my fucking eyes! When I saw everything I loved in the entire world, was TAKEN away from me! 


I sniffle once and start writing again. There are times were I wish I could see them all just one more time, but I know I won't ever be able to.

I trailed off from my intention with this, damn. Well, imma continue.

So, ehrm...

Well, I walked out every night and got myself some wood from the trees me and my dada had cut off that same day and I walked off to the lake in the middle of the forest, my favorite place when I was a kid, still is honestly. I sat down on one of the rocks by the side of the lake and used the chainsaw and carved out some figurines of the wood. 

I always liked the shape of any type of sharp object, so I always made whatever I made, sharp. It was so cool seeing how easily you can make something so sharp, that you could literally cut someone with it. 

So there I sat, by the lake, in the middle of the morning this time. I skipped school cause I wanted to spend the time with my little "sculpture" if I can call it that... 

So I sat there, I couldn't take my dads chainsaw that day, cause it was the morning so he'd notice it being gone, but I brought my knife.So I sat by the lake and carved with my knife into a piece of wood, making a little figurine with the blade quietly as I look up when hearing noises.

And the noises I heard weren't nice, I didn't like them. 

"LET GO OF ME!!! HELP!!" Lucy's familiar voice yells from somewhere close, I frown and get up, putting the wooden figurine down under some leafs and then hiding behind a tree as a guy pulled Lucy's hair towards the lake. I frown and tilt my head, that's not her dad... Lacy's face was wet of tears as she was crying and sobbing while being out of breath as well. The guy shoves her to the forest-ground and starts unbuckling his belt while looking at her with a grin. "HEEEEELP!!!" She screams again, I look at the knife in my hand and back to the guy, then walk around slowly - this was when I first noticed how silently I walked. 

My steps were so light that not even a dog would be able to hear it---

I'm finding it hard to write this story for you... Hmmm... I have an idea. Do you trust me if I tell you to put the diary on the floor and jump into it?

A) Yeah, of course. You don't seem like a bad guy, why wouldn't I trust you?


C) Trust you? No. But why not...

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