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You close the diary, without seeing the words of the diary warning you:


Before you close it and the writing in the diary is erased, you walk out of your bedroom door and down the stairs to the basement, grabbing a flashlight on the way down. You turn the light on before walking down the stairs and light around in the basement. 

"Hello?" You call out while turning around and lighting around the room. "Is there anyone here?" You frown a little, nothing. Not even a sound of anyone being in here. 

Nothing was out of the ordinary, the washing machine was still going and the floor was still dusty apart from the small pathway to the washing machine. You sigh, you're just tired after all... You walk back upstairs and put the flashlight on your nightstand and look towards the book on the desktop. Before closing your eyes and falling asleep...


The next morning you felt nauseous and sick as you woke up, your mother knocks on your door as normally on any schoolday.

"Mom..." You cough a little, she walks to your bed and feel your forehead with a frown and sighs.

"At least you're not faking it... You're burning up, stay home today, alright?" She says gently, you nod a little as she gives you a reassuring smile and walks out the room, you sniffle a little and look at the book on your desktop again. You look at the door and get up and take the book and go back to bed and sit down in the bed under the covers and open the book again to read more.


Where should I start, oh right... I was telling you about the backyard, I remember that I sat in the backyard under the tree in my overalls. I was playing with my pocketknife and carving stuff into the tree.

And not bad stuff, no. I was actually a normal kid, I carved in shit like: "I ❤️ Mom" and "I ❤️ Dad". 

I went to school like all the other kids, I don't remember the exact name of the school, you forget shit after you die. But I know for a fact I went to the same school as Marshall,  I was a loner like him, but I didn't mind it and nobody bothered to bully me cause they had Marshall to do that with. So I was left alone and I enjoyed my own company actually. I spent the days on studying, particularly I loved biology and science the most of all my classes and I kept loving them until I turned 13 and met a girl. 

Yeah, a girl. Hector wasn't gay. ...I find myself talking about myself as if I am another person, but in a way I was. Hector was my life. Hector was my real life name. The name I was given by my parents, a name I carried to my grave. Which by the way still is in the graveyard. Hector R. Jameson. Middle name is Robin, another thing you didn't know about me. How about that, we are learning! 

Anyways, when I turned 13 I met a girl. Her name was Lucy, and it so happened to even rhyme with my little sister's name as well... My little sister was born when I was 13, her name being Susie Rose Jameson. Aaah... She was as beautiful as my mother, golden locks and blue eyes...

Hmm... Here's a little secret, I've always liked Hailie Jade. That's why I've never hurt her, cause she reminds me of my own sister. Golden locks and blue eyes, she was like Susie Rose reborn... I remember the first time I saw her after I walked out the bathroom that day, little Hailie was crying in her room and I wanted to smash her skull to shut the fucking baby up... But when I saw her... I swear, my frozen heart beat once. She was amazingly beautiful....


I'm getting too soft on you...

Lucy. Guess her hair color, I'm waiting... 

Wow, you're smart. Yes indeed she had blonde hair, I've always loved blondes... Before I died, I loved them cause they had the same hair color as my mother and I thought that blondes had golden thoughts and those thoughts made their hair blonde... After I died I loved blondes cause they were either slutty or very fucking dumb. Easy to get in the panties to, or easy to lure in an alleyway at 2 am in the morning. 

I guess you're probably wondering why I would dye my hair blonde if I hate blondes so much? What? No, I don't wanna see myself as dumb or slutty (though I am slutty, but not dumb considering I killed 400 people without getting caught) I dye my hair simply to remind myself that I am no different than the blondes I kill - I hate myself as much as I hate the blondes. It's that simple. Cause... Who in their right mind can stand up against the world and say and believe their own words when they say: "I love myself and I am perfect!" ... Nobody, well except Kanye but that's another matter... That dude's got so much ego that instead of people taking him serious, he's a living meme. 

Boo-hoo, I said something about Kanye oh nooo. Bitch look at his kids, North-West? Yo... Have they EVER heard of bullying? It sure--Why am I talking about this?? For fuck sake I talk myself out of my own thoughts, what the fuck...


Well what you wanna hear then, your choice... 

❊What do you wanna hear more of?❊

A) Lucy

B) The guy writing the story, you want to hear more of his story

C) The gravestone and the house is still here?

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