Surprise (Jihyo x Reader)

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Reader's POV

The legendary God Jihyo. The leader of Twice and basically it's mom. Owner of an angelic voice with extraordinary singing capacity. That's my girlfriend right there.

That's right, I'm dating THE Jihyo. I'm currently watching her on tv on my couch. They're performing Heart Shaker on stage and later on they will also be singing Merry & Happy right after. 

Damn, Jihyo is so sexy on tv. She's wearing a tight, pink top exposing her bare shoulders and her stomach. Along with that is tight jeans which just shows off her beautiful figure to everyone. Not only that but she doesn't have bangs. I don't know why but she looks a lot more beautiful without her bangs. It's like she just goes up 10 levels of beauty.

Oh seems like they finished already. Well that was fast. They're now leaving the stage and I guess heading for their waiting room. That reminds me, the special day is coming up. I need to get an update from Nayeon.

Nayeon's POV

Damn that was tiring. We had to perform two songs straight. Plus our clothes were very tight. I'm really just waiting for our promotions to end. Anyway I think we only have a week or two left so that's good.

I look at the other members and they all look very tired. As well as Jihyo. 

"Hey there leader-nim. How are you?" She shot up and put on a big smile.

"I'm alright, do I look like I'm tired? I'm not tired I swear. Look." She started jogging up and down. I giggled and patted her shoulder to stop.

"I didn't even ask you if were tired, I just asked how you were." She became flustered. "You know you don't need to put up a front just for us. We understand that you're only human. Don't let us add to your burden." I said and smiled at her.

"Thanks unnie." She hugged me and I hugged her back. We both went back to waiting room where the other members were already there.

"Unnie your phone's been ringing since a while ago." Chaeyoung said as soon as we entered. I looked for my phone and checked who was calling. It was oppa, I immediately run out the room for some privacy.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Nayeon! Is everything good for the surprise?"

"Yes oppa, all the everythings arranged. All we're waiting for is the day itself. You don't need to worry too much." I giggled. 

"Oh alright. Thank you so much Nayeon." I ended the call and went back to my members.

Reader's POV

Alright so I guess I can trust Nayeon with saying that everything's good. I just really hope that it goes really well on the day itself.

On the day 

Here I am waiting. We're currently at a Twice fanmeeting. But of course no one knows that except the members except Jihyo and their managers. The plan is I would act like the last fan during the one on one interaction. I'll be going to them one by one and when I get to Jihyo, that's when I strike.

I'm now just waiting for the last fan to get near the end of the line so by the time I reach Jihyo, there aren't any fans to disturb us. Shit I'm getting nervous. 

"So are we done now unnie?" Sana asked their manager. She saw the last fan was near the end already so I guess she initiated it already.

"Uhm I think so- Oh nevermind there's one last fan left." Their manager said and that was my cue. 

As I approached them, Jihyo suddenly looked at me, I guess wondering who the late fan could be. But luckily my disguise (a hooded jacket and a mask)  worked and she looked back to Momo beside her who was supposed to distract her. 

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