Dogs (Nayeon x Reader)

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It was a very peaceful Sunday. The weather was great, the sun was out shining brightly and the wind softly blew. It was a good day to stay at the park. And that is what Y/N exactly did. 

He sat on one of the benches with his earphones on his ears which played Likey by Twice. A few people passed by as he wasn't the only one who planned on enjoying this good day. 

He didn't have anything particular to do that day so he decided to stay at the park the whole day until something came up.

After a few more minutes basking in the sun, Y/N heard a bark. He thought it was just people walking their dogs so he thought it would just pass by. It didn't. 

The bark continued on and he looked at the source of it. In front of his feet he saw a small white dog panting while looking at him. 

He looked around for the possible owner but no one looked like they were looking for a missing dog. As he was looking the dog jumped to his lap. 

He noticed a tag around his neck. He tried looking for possible contact info on it but it only read 'Kukeu'

"I'm guessing your name's Kukeu?" He asked the dog which barked with glee while wiggling its tail. He smiled as he slowly pat the dog's head. 

While he was petting the white dog, he heard another bark beside him. He looked to his right to see another dog, this time with brown spots. It was also looking at him while wagging its tail.

It also had a tag which said 'Gucci'.

"I guess you're Gucci then? Why the hell would a person name their dog after a brand?" 

The names also seemed very familiar to him. Which is why he thought hard, thinking of who among his friends owned dogs with this name. Sadly, no one came to mind.

"Dammit Tzuyu's gonna kill me." His thinking was disturbed by someone behind him. He looked behind to see a hooded woman looking frantically for something. 

"Excuse me miss, are these your dogs." She stopped and looked at Y/N. She also had a  mask and shades on which confused him.

"Oh my god thank you so so so much sir. I'm sorry for disturbing you." She kept bowing to him while he just felt uncomfortable as if he did something wrong. 

"Hey hey it's fine really, stop bowing." He said holding her shoulders stopping her. 

"Anyway, we'll be on our way now. C'mon Kukeu, Gucci. Let's go home now." She said walking away. But the dog didn't move an inch and stayed with Y/N.

When the woman didn't feel a presence following her, she looked back only to see that she was still walking all alone. 

"What the hell?!" She went back for the dogs who still stayed put. They simply barked at her. 

After a few more minutes of trying to force the dogs to come with her, Y/N finally spoke. 

"Hey why don't you stay for a while." The woman stopped and looked at him.

"What do you mean?" 

"It's obvious that these two aren't going to leave anytime soon. So why don't you stay first, I mean the day is good anyway." He finished and the woman thought for a while. She looked at the dogs for a while before sighing and sitting beside Y/N.

"I'm Y/N by the way, what's your name?" He extended his hand, smiling at the woman sitting beside him.

She slowly took of her mask and shades while pulling down her hoodie.Immediately, his draw dropped.

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