Flirty (Irene x Reader)

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People in the hallway drop their jaws as the goddess- Irene walks by with her four friends. The jealous girls and hungry boys could only watch as she graces the hallway like a fashion hall. 

Y/N was with his friends waiting for class to start. He notices they started looking at one thing behind him and their mouth were also wide open.

"Yeah and like the guy grabbed his friend's dick- What are you guys looking at?" He asked turning around to see Irene. "Welp gotta go." He hurriedly pulled the straps of his bag on his shoulder and started walking briskly away from them.

"Y/N!!" He heard Irene shout followed by loud footsteps.

"Hey there Ir-" He turns around but was suddenly engulfed in a hug.

"I missed you so much." Irene said rubbing her head on his chest like a cat.

"It was just one weekend." Y/N says sighing.

"Still... I missed touching you... and you touching me... all over..." He felt Irene smirking.

He chuckled nervously "Hahaha yeah we don't do that." He shouted making sure the people that were giving him a weird look could hear.

"Anyways, gotta go to class now. See you later. Remember where you have to go." Irene winks at him before walking off. Y/N just stood there frozen.

"Hey man tell me how you do it. How do you get beautiful people to love you? And by the way is she tasty?" Some random guy taps on his shoulder.

"What the- no we don't things like that. She's not even my girlfriend." 

"But why not? She's like the school queen. I don't understand why you keep on playing with her like that." 

"I'm not playing with her. I rejected her before already but she keeps on going for it. At some point I might just accept so she stops bugging me." 

"Man, the things I'd do to have your life." the guy mumbled before leaving.

Y/N just shakes his head before going to his class.


Lunch break came and here was Y/N, in front of the Student Council President's Office. Oh he didn't do anything wrong, but he did have business inside.

He takes a deep breath before opening the door and entering. "Y/N you came!!!" Irene squealed standing up from her seat.

"Not like I have a choice." He says laying his bag beside the couch in the office.

"Oh please, you love it. By the way, here's your food babe." Irene said giving him the lunchbox.

"Thanks, I still don't get why you keep getting me food."

"I love taking care of you. Aren't I wifey material?" Irene snickered getting back to her computer.

"But I did notice that I never even saw you ate once." 

"Too busy for that." Irene said not looking away from her computer.

Y/N looks at the food on his lap. If it weren't in lunchboxes, someone would think there was a feast. There were a variety of food and it really looked delicious. 

He holds the food and walks over to Irene's desk. He places the food on the table and grabs his chopsticks. Irene just looks at him confused on what he's doing. Y/N grabs one of the kimbap rolls and holds it in front of Irene's face.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm feeding you."

"That's sweet but why though." 

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