Delicous!!! (Jihyo x Reader) Part II

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A lot of you asked for a Part 2. Maybe because of thing where the guy dated two of the members. Well here it is and prepared to be disappointed.


Jihyo stood up, not saying a word. She start walking towards Y/N and grabs him by the ear. The poor guy didn't even try to protest and just went with it, despite the pain. She was dragging him towards the room when Mina spoke up.

"Why are you guys leaving already? The party's just begun." 

"The party's over Mina, you should get some sleep. And Jihyo is just going to talk to Y/N about his two exes among the members." Sana said holding back the penguin who started rolling around on the couch.

"Two? So you're not counting the ones who just slept with him once?" Mina shouted which JIhyo heard. 

She stops walking and Y/N faces Mina. Shocked isn't enough to describe what he's feeling right now. He wants to just to run to the balcony and jump down head first. Get amnesia and just leave Korea, start a new life as a new man. Sadly, Jihyo's grip on his ear just got stronger to the point that it might just rip.

"Mina, please tell me more about what you are talking about?" Jihyo says in a calm voice even though her face shows the anger she's suppressing inside her.

"Mina no! You know you're just tired and maybe you should just take a re- aaaAHH!" Jihyo silenced Y/N by twisting her ear and digging her nails to the side of his cheek. At this point, she didn't care if he was her boyfriend.

"Weeeeell you guys said he had two exes. That means you didn't include the ones who spent a night with him. Because if you did then that would mean he has four, right?" Mina said smiling and flailing her arms around. 

"Alright it's time for you to sleep Mina, you're mouth's running wild." Sana said putting a napkin against Mina's face and her movements started slowing down, until she just stops and her eyes closes shut. 

Sana just fucking used chloroform on her own friend. That shit wild dawg.

Going back to the situation with the two lovers. Err.. well you can't really say they're lovers with what's happening. 

Jihyo continued in dragging Y/N to their room, she slams the door and pushes Y/N to the bed. 

Y/N tries to sit up "Jihyo wait let me ex-"

Before he could finish, he felt a huge sting on his cheek. Jihyo just slapped him hard. He holds his cheek and looks up to her. Anger wasn't showing on her face any longer, this time just sorrow. Her eyes started shining from the water that was building up. 

"Babe, I-"

"Is it true?" 

"Wait, le-"

"Fucking tell me! Is it true?" Jihyo's voice started cracking up. You could tell that she was trying really hard to hold back the tears.

"I-it is, kind of." Jihyo turns around, holding her face. She lost all her strength and the tears started flowing down her cheeks.

Y/N stands up and hugs her from the back. "Jihyo I'm sorry, let me explain." Jihyo just tries to remove his arms from her. 

"Babe, please." He keeps trying to hold her down but she won't budge.

When he was fed up, he grabbed her really hard by her forearms and turned her around. He saw that she wasn't crying anymore, she was sobbing. He could clearly hear her breath hitch every second. 

His face softens and so does his grip. He holds her by the hand and pulls her towards the bed. This time, Jihyo didn't struggle anymore and went with it. Y/N made her sit and he held both of her hands as he faces her.

"Listen to me first okay?" Jihyo didn't say anything but Y/N just took it that she agreed. "I'm going to tell you the whole story. For the two exes, one of them was Nayeon. It was way back when we were still little. We were 10 years old and we said we were going to date. But we were just children back then, so it wasn't that legit. The other one was with Tzuyu. She was asking me for tips on how to date and I decided to pretend to be her boyfriend, that's all. The sleeping one that Mina mentioned, it was with Momo, she just slept over at my house one time. That's really it. The members just took it the wrong way and maybe they just intentionally said it to joke around." Y/N explained. 

Jihyo wipes her tears. "What about the last one?" 

"What last one?"

"Mina said you 'slept' with two members. You just mentioned Momo, who was the last one." 

Y/N's face dropped. He hesitated to speak and Jihyo noticed this. She began to worry.

"It was with Sana." Y/N said and stopped there, it seemed like he didn't want to talk about it.

"What's the explanation this time?" Jihyo asked but was only met with silence.

Y/N was looking all around except to Jihyo's eyes. He made a huge breath, preparing to speak. 

"We actually did it." He spoke.

There was silence in the room. Jihyo had a face that showed a little worry, but inside, her heart was shattered. Like it was thrown to the ground and driven over by a truck twice. She believed that Y/N had only ever loved her. The tears were beginning to come back once again.

"I-" Before she could speak, Y/N brought Jihyo back to his embrace. He hugged her hard, hoping that it could help him reach her with his emotions.

"That was a long time ago. Both of us have moved on and we both agreed to forget about it. I don't want you to think about it any longer. You're the woman I love right now and I will continue to love you forever, that's all that matters. To me at least. You may doubt me and I'm fine with that. I understand. But I know myself well and one thing's for sure, you're a person I want beside me for the rest of my life. Believe it. I love you so much Jihyo." He said digging his face unto her shoulders.

Surely enough, he got through Jihyo. She finally smiled, deciding that she could trust him. She hugs him back, showing her forgiveness through it.

"Okay. I love you, Y/N"

"I love you too, Jihyo." 



Well... didn't expect it to end this way myself. Anyway, sorry for not updating to much something just came up. But now, I'm not too busy anymore, I think. So I might be able to update everyday if not every other day. And also just because the next story wasn't your request doesn't mean I didn't read or disregarded your request already :) I am working on it so just wait and request more :D THANKS FOR READING!!!!!

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