Drunk (Blackpink x Reader)

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Didn't want to spoil who the ship is hehe enjoy :)))


So, lemme just give you a snippet of the situation right now. Jisoo is making out with a spoon in the corner. Jennie is interrogating a chair. Rose was trying to do a handstand on the wall. Lisa was just puking in the street. 

What was Y/N doing? Just watching. I mean what more can he do? He already apologized so much to the store owner and cleaned the puke from everywhere already.

He already called their manager to pick them up. And after 30 excruciating minutes, a black van finally came. 

The manager comes out as Y/N carries Jisoo and Jennie towards the car. 

"What the hell happened to them?" Their manager asked.

"I'm sorry. I tried to stop them but they were very forceful." He said waiting for the manager to put Lisa and Rose in the van.

He sighs. "I understand. These girls are a handful. Just help me out here." Y/N nods and brings Jennie and Jisoo in. 

The manager gets into the driver seat and Y/N was about to get in shotgun.

"What are you doing? Stay in the back with them." The manager says.

Y/N nods and gets to the back of the van. The girls were in different positions, almost like they were breaking their bones. Y/N sighs and tries to fix them even with the resistance.

And trust me, those girls were hard to move around.

Let's go back to before all this mess happened.


Y/N walks into the mall with a huge smile. It was finally his day off and he had no work for tomorrow. He could spend the whole night all for himself.

He decides to go shopping for some clothes first since it's been so long since he's bought new clothes. In the store he went to, he had to pass through the female section first before getting to the mens. 

So he walks briskly, especially since the aisle he was walking through were surrounded by underwear. But as he was walking he saw 4 girls looking through some dresses who were kinda loud as well. Taking a closer look, he finally realized who they were, and he ran for it

"Y/N!!!" One of the girls scream and Y/N just sighs as he stops running. He knew he was trapped.

He turns around to see the 4 girls coming towards him. "H-hey Rose, Lisa, Jisoo, .... Jennie.  How are you?" He said scratching the back of his head.

"Gosh it's been so long Y/N." Rose said. "Are you going somewhere? Why don't you join us? We were just about to eat somwhere." She says with a huge smile.

"Uhh actually I was just about t-" 

Lisa suddenly pulled on his arm "Oh c'mon I'm sure it's not important. Come with us." Rose proceeded to pull his other arm and at that point, he knew he had no choice.

After walking for a while, Jisoo, Rose, and Lisa started walking quickly leaving Jennie and Y/N walking together. 

It was very quiet between the two.

"So uh... how are you?" Y/N breaks the silence.

"I'm fine." Jennie answers plainly and the silence continued on. 

"Oh the lovebirds are warming up to each other." Jisoo says which earns a glare from Jennie.

"That's good since we're now here." Lisa says as she stops.

"Lisa, this is a bar." Y/N says in disbelief.

"I know, let's go." 

And so that's when shit started.


They finally got to the girls' dorm and they were dropped in the living room.

The manager sighs "Gosh these girls. Imma need to leave them to your care for now Y/N, I still need to work on some things in YG."

Y/N sighs "That's fine, I got this."

"Good luck." The manager says before walking out the door.

Y/N looks to the girls who were all around the place "Gosh if someone were to see this, they wouldn't believe you're idols." 

He goes to Lisa first who was upside down on the couch. He fixes her up first.

"Lisa, behave. I will give you a treat if you sit still." And so she sits straight on the couch like a dog.

He moves on to Jisoo who was sitting on a chair. "Hey Jisoo you alright?" 

Jisoo seemed to be sobering up as she nods. "Alright can you get some water for the girls? Get some for yourself too." She nods as she walks to the kitchen.

Before he turns around he feels someone grab his leg. Looking down, it was Jennie.

"Y/NNNN!!! I mwissed chuu!!" She said with her baby talk. It hit Y/N a bit, but he takes a deep breath.

Y/N sits down and removes Jennie from his leg. Before he brings her to sit beside him, she suddenly jumps at him and hugs him. 

"I wuvv yuuu Y/N!!" She says as she kisses his forehead. Y/N's heart starts to ache.

He tries to push her off. "Jennie please sit down." 

Jennie suddenly grabs his face and kisses him. For a while he melts into the kiss. But when he felt Jennie pulling his shirt up, he grabs her shoulders and pushes her off harshly.

This made Jennie stand up but started to fall down. Luckily, Y/N catches her and as he looks at her face, she was passed out. He lays her on the couch beside Lisa.

He then moves on to Rose who was staring right at him. He sits beside her.

"So, let's just pretend that didn't happen." Y/N says as Jisoo comes and he grabs a glass of water. he gives it to Rose.

"Gosh, what do you expect from your childhood friend? A snitch? I didn't see anything." Rose said as she accepts the glass of water.

"Thanks, I owe you one." 

"Then I'd like to use it now. Answer my question. You still love her right?" Rose asked looking at Y/N straight in the eye.

"It's not like I ever stopped." Y/N says placing his hand on his chest.

"You know, you used to be great couple. Even YG was supporting you two." 

"Well you know, that's life." 

There was a short silence.

"Why don't you fight for her?" Rose asked.

"I did."

"I meant now." 

"You know I can't Rose... It's too late" 

"Yes you still can. It's never too late."

"Rose please. Spare my heart. She's happy now. And you know that."

"She'll be happier with her." 

"Let's not do this Rose. You know the truth. You know I'm doing the right thing."

Rose sighs. "Fine. You can go now, we're fine. Thank you for taking care of us."

Y/N stands up and heads for the door. "I'll call you tomorrow for an update."

Before he gets out, Rose calls out. "Y/N"

Y/N turns around. "You're coming to the wedding right?" Rose asks.

"Wedding?" Y/N asked confused.

"Jennie and Kai's Wedding..." 

Y/N turns around, hiding the tear building up on his eyes. "Of course, wouldn't want to miss it." He says before closing the door and leaving.

"Really wish it was with you." Jennie was not asleep apparently...


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