Chapter 4.5

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For two weeks they rode on as the Dragonspine Mountains drew nearer. As the path grew more rugged, their pace slowed. Often it seemed, they were riding along game trails rather than a true road. 

When Dirk asked Surd about it, he merely laughed. "There is a reason Redvale has stayed hidden so long. These are secret paths, made by people like us, who visited Redvale in secret. If they were easy to ride, people might follow them out of just curiosity."

As they rode together, Dirk got to know Brooke much better. Somehow, though they had been traveling together for some time, he had never really gotten to know her. 

He was surprised. He had expected someone who regarded a girl who had lived with excess and had become used to plenty. He asked her about it. "The travel does bother me," she admitted. "It's hard work and rather dirty." She gave slight laugh. "Still, it's much better than the alternative."

Apart from that, they talked about their childhood and hobbies. "I loved to go out walking in the fields," Dirk said. "There was always so much to explore."

"I did not have as much freedom," said Brooke. "My father was afraid I could get hurt, perhaps by a political opponent. He allowed me to practice archery and I did always enjoy reading."

Dirk remembered his reading lessons all too well. "I never liked studies all that much. The tutor was harsh and it never seemed as if it would matter."

Brooke raised her eyebrows. "But the stories one can read! And all the facts to learn? I find philosophy fascinating!"

Dirk shrugged. "Never really interested me."

That night, they camped in the foothills of the mountains. before them loomed one of the first peaks, insignificant, Dirk knew, compared to its brethren behind it. 

That night as he lay awake, watching the stars, for the first time in some time, Dirk felt both a glimmer of hope. Perhaps they would make it to Redvale after all. They had seen no sign of pursuit.

At the same time, a new concern rose up in his heart. What would he do once they arrived? Surd seems to know these people. Surely he would have a place. And Brooke had connections through her father. Where did that leave him? As grateful as he was to escape being hung, he was not sure he was entirely ready to confront these people. They will be just like me,  a voice within reasoned. They are human, too.

Still troubled, Dirk's rest was fitful and unsatisfying.

When Dirk woke up, his muscles were sore. Sparring with Surd had not been amusing in the least last night. No matter how much he thought he had learned, Surd was always there to block. Surd assured him proficiency, strength and skill would come with time, but he did not see much improvement.

He got up with a groan and took stock of his surroundings. When they had gotten here last night, it had been dark. Now Dirk could see. About five feet away from him was the smoldering bed of coals left over from last night.

The other sleeping rolls around the fire were rumpled and empty.They were in a copse of pines about a quarter mile from the road. The layer of needles was an inch deep. Dirk kicked dirt over the ashes, packed his things onto Cyflym and otherwise readied himself for the day.

A couple of minutes later, Brooke and Surd came into view, carrying canteens and laughing. They had gone off to fill their water. Dirk felt a sense of relief. Although he would never admit it, he was afraid, just for a second there, that they had left; an irrational fear, as their horses were still there. 

As they approached, Dirk strode forward to meet them. "There you are," he said with a smile,"I wondered where you got off to."

Surd shrugged. "Thought we needed a refill, and thought you needed your sleep."

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