Dirk made his way through the labyrinth of chairs and people, finally reaching his own seat next to Brooke and Surd. They were seated in the area of the audience chamber for viewing, where the non-Council members sat.
The council chamber was made of marble and seemed to be enormous. Tiered seating covered most of it, with Council members seated at the extreme low end and partitioned by a red rope. Directly in front of the seating stood a marble stage with a podium. In front of the stage, on the same level as the Council members stood a red bowl and a white bowl
"Where were you?" asked Brooke. "The council's about to start."
"I got lost," said Dirk evasively.
Brooke looked at him suspiciously, opening her mouth to say something, but fell silent as a man in red stepped forward.
"Announcing His Majesty, the magnificent Earl of Redvale, Gilthas Vaubin."
Giltas walked in, looking very dignified in rich red robes decorated in gold thread, and took his place at the podium.
"Thank you for convening on such short notice," he said. "I have called you all here today to discuss the possibility of entering into open war against the Dark King."
At this muttering and whispering broke out, both amongst commoners and Council members. Gilthas raised his hands for silence.
"There is much to consider, I know," he continued. " I ask only that you continue to listen for a few more moments. Much danger would be involved in any such offensive. But rich rewards would stem from victory, not all of them material or immediate. Moreover, Redvale's power has never been greater. Our allies grow, while our enemy's lessen. We have convinced the Dwarves of Darrowdeep to accept us as the true rulers. In addition, we have more glyphwardens then ever. My spies report much of the east of Teramen is under constant raiding by the Orcs of the Junderi Plains. More importantly, I have been in secret communication with many ruling families of Teramen. While some are reluctant, others seem almost eager to support us in our fight. Perhaps the most important formation recovered is from Cyrnic, my advisor. In one of his visions, he has seen that if we go to war, the heir of Taliesin will be found." He rang a bell. "The vote will commence in thirty minutes. Until then, I encourage all to move around the chamber and discuss these possibilities," he said.
Some people moved around conversing but none of the commoners seemed willing to engage the Council in conversation, most of which had splintered into smaller groups.
He turned to Brooke and said, "What are they doing? They need to fight, not sit here!"
"It's politics," Brooke said, "They take forever to decide anything. But it speeds things up if you are a part of it. Come with me."
She got up and walked toward a group of politicians conversing.
"It's absolutely ridiculous," said one, short with a long nose and a thin mouth. "We cannot defeat all of Teramen. And I disbelieve his claim of support from other cities. And what of the elves of Deepwood? They're always searching for weaknesses in the south. They will not take this lightly."
One of Long-Nose's companions contributed. "The elves could be a grave danger indeed," he agreed. "But surely any attack they could make would prove a distraction for Cirthond, which we could turn to our advantage?"
Long-Nose snorted. "That doesn't matter. Whichever one of us claims victory will be conquered by the elves afterwards. I don't know about you, but I'd much rather see a human on the throne."
"You are a fool, Derrum." Dirk turned to see Cynric standing there. He strode forward until he was staring Long-Nose right in the face. "The Dark King is worse than anything you will ever meet. Somehow, he has changed himself, the very nature of his being. The elves are dangerous, but they at least are natural, not creatures of shadow and dark magic like the King."

FantasyDirk, a tailor's apprentice from the small town of Lesser Highridge, is thrust into the middle of a national conflict when his master is discovered harboring a convicted "witch." Fleeing, the three make their way to the city of Redvale, one of the l...