Chapter 17

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Dirk walked back to camp, his heart light as air, despite Surd's teasing. He had finally managed to extract a serious promise of delivery from Surd and was now just waiting for a reply from Brooke.

The rain had let up and a weak sun had forced itself out filling the air with the incredible smell accompanying the end of rain.

When he arrived at camp, he found he was the last one to arrive. Just as he stepped inside camp, the bell began to toll, signaling the end of lunch.

Bridds stared daggers at him. To him, on time meant five minutes early. "Form ranks," he bellowed hoarsely, voice having been damaged from all the yelling in the rain.

Dirk slipped in his spot and..........waited.

Bridds didn't say his usual "move out!" and everyone waited.

Soon enough, he continued. "As some of you may remember, we are welcoming new recruits. As such, the Corporal should join the Sergeant at the head of the column." He glared at Dirk.

The new recruits! Dirk had completely forgotten. Reluctantly, he moved up to Bridds' side and turned to face the squad.

A few minutes later, the sound of feet could be heard in the road.

Several men, in a disorganized group, led by a man in the uniform of Staff Sergeant, came to a stop near Bridds.

The two Sergeants eyed each other with dislike. Historically, there was great enmity with these two ranks, the Sergeants seeing Staff Sergeants as "namby-pamby bureaucrats," and the Staff sergeants seeing the Sergeants as "idiot bullies."

The Staff Sergeant saluted. "Sir, I present your new recruits. Four of Redvale's finest," he added sarcastically, looking back on the ragtag group. Some of them shuffled and murmured but none stepped forward to confront the derogatory remark.

"Thank you, Staff Sergeant, that will be all," Bridds replied.

"Not quite, Sergeant. I have here the equipment and extra for the new recruits. I assume you'll want it?"

Bridds gritted his teeth. "Yes, I would. Now, unless there is anything else, that will be all, Staff Sergeant."

The Staff Sergeant sneered at him. " I will take my leave then, Sergeant."

As he turned heel and walked away, Bridds spat on the ground.

When he was gone, he turned to face the new recruits. "Get in a line," he barked.

Fearfully, the four newcomers hastily put together a sloppy formation.

Bridds walked up and down the line, inspecting each soldier and Dirk's eyes wandered down bheind him.

Three looked like normal civilians, but one caught his eye.

Nearly shivering with fear, the boy could not have stood more than five feet four inches tall. He looked to be no more than twelve.

I though the recruitment age was now fourteen, he thought angrily.

Bridds seemed oblivious to Dirk's concerns and went on with his normal spiel.

"Men," he said. "You are now in the army. Do you know what that means?"

He stopped. He seemed to expect an answer. Just as one person began to reply, he exploded.

"Constant obedience!," he roared. "Here we will teach you the meaning of discipline! Of loyalty!Of strength!" His voice dropped. "Starting now."

"You." He beckoned at one of the recruits. "Stand there," he said, pointing at a spot in the formation.

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