PART 12: Desperation

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With his hand he let gooey tip grind back and forth between my bum cheeks so that I could feel a smouldering sensation in the pit of my stomach. When finally halting, the head was poking against my entrance, desperate to push inside. I watched Harry's chest rise and sink before me so I carefully lowered my arse and helped by rubbing my ring against the tip. His face scrunched up, mouth fell open and eyes squeezed shut.

A matter of seconds later, Harry placed his hands on my hips to help push me down toward his groin, his thick, firm and massive cock penetrating my hole inch by inch. As if I was suffering, I whined, but helped him glide further inside by spreading my cheeks with my hands. To observe how much he had left to fill, I reached my hand underneath and swathed my fingers around the base of his shaft, informing me that I was approximately half way down. I puffed repeatedly, sinking lower and lower for every second.

"How does that feel?" he huffed while kneading my arse with his hands, the contrast of his cold rings against my warm skin giving me shivers.

"G-Good," I forced out. That's what I said—but what I thought was completely different. Harry's cock inside of me was one of the most incredible sensations I had ever felt—and we had barely started. However, there was no way I was telling him that. I continued in a whine, "Once I'm filled up..." I gulped. "You have to take control."

"Because you're overwhelmed or because you want me to?"

Because I feel like I can't fucking move because of your enormous size.

"I want," was all I said.

My bum cheeks were finally brushing against his hip bones. Knowing that I was so close to having it all in there gave me the final urge to push down with full force, my ring stretching out as I crashed onto his groin. We both moaned at the same time. For a few seconds I just sat like that, because apparently neither of us had the energy to move.

"Feels good?" he breathed out while stroking his palms along my sides. I nodded in response to his inquiry as I waited for him to take action. He began by using his elbows to elevate himself upward in the mattress before letting his cock glide out a couple inches as he repositioned so that I was laying down and he was kneeled down in front of me. "Does this work for you?"

I nodded wantonly, impatient for him to start. After having felt the whole shaft as a teaser, there was nothing in the world I would rather do than let him take me.

And so he began. He started by filling up the part that had been falling out when I laid down before he pushed out again to alter perspective. His cock left my hole and I felt it shrink and expand in desperation. With his fingers clambering on my hip bones, he shoved himself inside again—this time the entire shaft filling me up in one second. My bum squirmed into the mattress and I bit my lip harshly to prevent myself from screaming.

Dirty Little Secret » Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now