"Please don't say anything."
"Don't fucking speak," I snarled, my breath hitting the skin on his neck that I was glaring into. I took a deep breath, collected my thoughts and lapped my hands on each side of his waist, the sensatio...
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"Little Louis is looking for love."
That was the mockful sentence that made me snatch the note from his fingers. Me wanting to find love was not something I wanted Harry to know about. Firstly because he would tease me for it and secondly, because I didn't want him to think looking for love meant looking for love with anyone. I was determined and I had decided not to let my relationship with Harry go further than what was beneficial to fulfil my sexual cravings.
"You're a real prick." My cheeks were still red when I pointed my index finger to his chest. I said, "Don't mock me. Ever again."
"I'm sorry." He giggled, soon sneaking his hands to my waist. "I won't mock you, love bird." I rolled my eyes and he chuckled for what felt like the millionth time. "Okay, I'll stop. I just didn't expect that from you," he said, burying his face in my neck. "It's cute."
His neck kisses led to cheek kisses, which led to tummy kisses, which soon enough led to cock kisses. Suddenly we were back on the bed and Harry was sucking me off like a wild animal. In whimpers I watched him do his thing before he quickly moved on and got us prepared for the next step before finally fucking me for twenty minutes.
After cleaning up we decided to pop over to his place, which was a harder task than we would have expected. The simple act of stepping out of my dorm with Harry next to me felt like a crime due to our previous constant secretive behaviour. With a sore arse, I sprinted up the staircase with Harry strutting behind and hurried into his corridor before checking if there was anyone around. Thankfully, we succeeded.
Harry and I had agreed on watching a TV show on Liam's TV in their dorm. We ended up snuggling up to each other on his bed under a blanket (YES, this happened) while watching a dramatic criminology that had us both at the edges of our seats (not literally). For some reason I thought it was a good idea to hold his arm with my hand, and whenever there was something close to a jump scare I squeezed it tightly.
The biggest jump scare of the evening was however when the front door (in real life) flew open and Liam Payne stormed inside. Instead of clenching my hand around Harry I quickly threw myself away from him and his blanket, trying to act as casual as possible. Harry reacted the exact same way, only he was much more flustered. He turned the TV off and began stuttering right away.
"L-Liam! Uhh–" Harry gulped, trailing off. His eyes switched between the two of us on the bed. He seemed to be in utter surprise—as if that was the last thing he expected to see after coming inside. "L-Louis is—Louis is helping me with my homework—a-assignment. English." He cleared his throat. "He's really good."
Oh for fuck's sake.
Liam blinked, "You don't even have your textbook or laptop..."