PART 21: Speculation

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The following Saturday I went to the mall with Elise and Niall—even though I was supposed to study. We had been invited to a party at our friend's place on the Friday the upcoming week, and Elise was set on finding a new outfit. It was when she turned to walk inside a lingerie store that Niall instantly halted and froze in position. I laughed at him and pulled him inside while nonchalantly flinging my arm around his neck.

We followed her into a bra aisle and my best friend's cheeks splashed in pink. I nudged Elise's side, saying, "I thought you were gonna pick out a dress, huh?"

She scoffed, flicking through items on the wall. "You never know what could happen."

It was Elise's turn to get my arm around her neck. With a smug expression I looked at her and patted her hair. "Is that so? Little blondie is planning to get laid?"

"You're getting it, so why shouldn't I?" she snapped back, crossing her arms while smiling up at me challengingly. I felt my heart jump in my chest.

"Hm." I blushed, letting go of her to fake looking through some of the feminine clothing items in front of us. "Moving on. A bra, was it?"

"You're hopeless. Why would you hide it from me. Are you embarrassed? Afraid I'm gonna mock you?"


"Nah," I lifted down a lace bra on a hanger along with a pair of matching knickers. Jokingly, I held it in front of myself, posed in the mirror, before holding the pieces in front of Elise. "These are sexy. Not too freaky—not too boring."

The short girl laughed. "You think?"

I looked over at Niall who was now full-on blushing. I smirked, saying, "What do you say, Niall? Maybe my opinion isn't really what matters. I mean, what do I know?"

"Your opinion is always helpful," Elise tilted her head to the side while taking a glance at the red lingerie dangling on my fingers. "Do you like them, Niall? Maybe they're too much?"

I smiled at the sight of Niall nervously biting his nails. He stuttered, "Uhh—No. I think they're good. N-Nice colour."

"Really? Not too vibrant?"

"It's p-perfect."

"Oh," she raised her brows, taking the pieces into her hands. She inspected the material, squeezed the cup of the bra with her fingertips and stretched the knickers between her hands. "I guess that's a deal-breaker then." She laughed. "That was quick. Gonna need a bigger cup size on the bra, though."

It was impossible for me not to smile as we exited the aisle to reach the cashier. After Elise had paid for her underwear we moved on to the next store where we were supposed to help her pick out a dress. Due to my obsession with teasing Niall, I made her try one that I sensed he would like and got her to squeeze us inside her changing booth as she was wearing it.

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