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Journal entry #29

Damn, not him too. Peter going on with this damn black liquid and now Jacobs unconscious in front of me..
Yeah.. someone who I've only just met, but means so much to me..

Now that I come to think of it.. I was talking to him the other day, and he said there was something up.. but he didn't tell me.. damn Parker's always keeping things to themselves.. I don't know how I can live like this.. hence why I married one..

Anyways, Jacob and I where literally just talking and he fell to the ground. I checked his pulse, it was still going, but his breathing was faint, which meant he was still alive, but anything could be going on.. maybe his sugar levels where low.. or he was dehydrated.. I don't know.. the only annoying thing is that I can't let the ambulance do there thing.. giving away identities.. you know.. then again I'm glad I got a scholarship in Molecular Medicine..

I got my phone out and rang Pete, yeah I'm still mad at him for not telling me about this damn war, but at the situation I was in.. was way worse.

Eventually he showed up he just picked him up and went off to our apartment, I went in a taxi and found them both in Jacobs room, I hurried myself, limping down the hallway, finding Peter just sitting in a chair watching Jacob. I stood leaning on the arch of the door, Pete told me to come over, so I did and sat in his lap.

"I now know how you feel" he whispered
"What?" I asked him.
"When I'm injured. Or even.. when you where.. for those five months.. it isn't easy... when you see someone, that you actually care about... wounded.."
I just nodded at him, "you better come home to me.. and in one piece, or I swear to god.."
I closed my eyes. "Sorry.. I'm kinda.. mad.." I chuckled softly and got up, "tell me if he wakes up." I received a nod and I started limping back out. Into the living room, and onto the couch.

Damn Parker's..  I love them both so much, but they hide a lot from me..
Anyways, I'll update when something good actually happens.. there's been enough bad news.. I mean two damn entry's..
But I may have some good news.. I'm the only one who knows.. maybe I should keep it to myself?

I mean it's gonna be obvious soon.. maybe I should wait.. I don't know.. we'll see eh?
C ya later Paper.
//opEn rp
A/n; I legit Started writing this out and I fell asleep halfway through.. its 12:00pm.. WhelP I guess if you guys liked it, vote, and uh yeah.. sorry it's short.. it's just hard to think of what to write about..

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