author's note

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yow btsvelvet shippers!
i would like to inform you beforehand that this story may contain a lot of swearing and um, creepy scenarios because i'll try to be 'detailed' as much as possible in writing such (pls bear with me i suck at writing huhu)

additionally, there would be a lot of violence, given the fact that this crappy fic focuses on yanderes.

however, you'll have to wait for a year or so before i could update this because summer is now ending + hell is already near (i'm pertaining to school) and i'll have to focus more on my studies.

anddd, i have a goal of finishing billet doux first before any other stories of mine, so i beg for your pardon in advance ≧﹏≦

that's all! and thank you for taking your time reading this. :)

p.s. the main ship of this story will be vseul coz i'm a trash for them uWu ●▽●

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