Time Passes

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"Ron! Wake up! Ron! I have to show you this!" Harry's voice echoed through the Gryffindor Tower.

I shot up, because at first I thought Harry was in trouble. Then I heard the rest of what Harry said. Retards, I was trying to sleep. Well, I can't now.

I got out of bed, put on my glasses, and walked over to the door. I swung it open, and saw the boys talking near Ron's bed. I walked in, and yawned, "What happened?"

They both looked towards me, "Oh, sorry Bridget. I was going to come get you, and not wake you up as bad," Harry apologized.

"Mhm," I pursed my lips. "Well, I can't go back to sleep. So that means I get to go with you two."

They both smiled, Ron still looked like he was sleeping.

We all hid under the invisibility cloak Harry got, and walked to what Harry wanted to show us. He opened this door, which was passed the library a bit. He swung it open, but I caught it so it wouldn't make a loud noise.

"Harry," I whispered. "You need to be more careful." I closed the door behind us, and Harry flung off the invisibility cloak. I grabbed it and held it in my hands.

"Come on," Harry rushed us over to a mirror. "Come look. It's my parents."

We all got in front of this mirror. I know this mirror. Poor Harry...He doesn't know.

"Harry-" I started.

"See. Right there. There they are," Harry interrupted me.

"I don't see anyone, Harry," Ron looked about the Mirror.

"Stand here instead," Harry got out of the way, and moved Ron to where he was in the middle of the mirror.

Ron looked astounded.

"You see them now, don't you? That's-" Harry tried to tell Ron where his parents were.

"That's me! Head boy and Quidditch captain! And I'm holding the Quidditch cup!" Ron paused looking at himself up and down. "I look pretty good."

"Harry, Ron, listen," I spoke up. "This is the 'Mirror of Erised'. It shows you what you desire most. What your heart desires most, whether you know it or not. I read about it. It can make a man go crazy."

They both looked to me, "What do you desire?" Ron asked. I looked to Harry, who was sadly disappointed.

I went over by them, "I don't know. Let's see."

Ron moved out of the way, and I got in front of the mirror. As soon as I was in the middle, it changed. I was older, probably in my 4th through 6th year. Behind me were my grandparents. I smiled as they smiled. To the left of me was...MALFOY?! He was holding my hand. No way! I can't desire this. No, I won't believe it. Not yet. Malfoy is too much of a rude, pretty good looking person. Don't think that! UGH!!

But other than that I was dressed as I normally am, but I'm prettier. I had books in my right hand, and you could still see my bracelet and pocket watch. I noticed though, that on my neck was a weird looking necklace. It looked like an hour glass, but was in a clear circle looking thing. Hm...

"Bridget," Harry snapped me away from the mirror, "you might want to close your mouth before bugs get in."

"What did you see?" Ron asked nudging me.

"Well, it was an older, prettier version of me. I was holding books and had on a weird necklace. My grandparents were behind me, smiling," I told them. And something was going on with Malfoy. I can't tell them that though. They'd freak out.

"But why was your mouth hung wide open, like you had just see a murder?" Ron asked.

"Oh," I've gotta improvise, "I just noticed it didn't show me anything with my Quidditch team."

"That's weird," Ron pointed out.

I looked at Harry, who was staring at the mirror, "You okay, Harry?"

He looked to me, "Yeah, I just wished that you guys could see them."

I looked to both of them, "Let's go back. I'm tired."

And with that, we left back to the Gryffindor Tower.

It was now spring time, and the snow had melted away. During the rest of winter break, I would go and explore the ground of Hogwarts. My favorite place was a willow tree sitting near the Black Lake. It was so beautiful and peaceful. There was no sand or mud, just grass or snow. I would go and sit while I either thought or read. Either way my favorite place.

I read the entire book on Hereditary Superpowers. One of which I had was the Ability to read someone's true emotions through their eyes. There's no true word for it, but it is especially rare and can only be passed through genetics. If I get really good at it, it says that I will be able to read people's minds through their eyes. I guess I'll have to talk to Dumbledore about it later.

Anyways, Hermione was back, which I was really happy about.

" All this time, we were looking in the wrong section," Hermione was walking towards us. We had all decided to gather in the library to keep looking. We had been doing research for months about Nicholas Flamel, but we could never find anything. "I don't understand how I could've missed it!" Hermione slammed a book down on the table, making our heads snap up.

"People make mistakes, Hermione," I said, sighing. "You just forgot."

"Maybe, but I checked this out a while ago. I found it to be relaxing after all the homework," She replied.

"This is relaxing," Ron looked horrified at Hermione.

"You'd be surprised," I smirked at him.

Hermione glared at Ron, then smiled at me. They've almost hated each other, but I could feel a tension between them. I thought it was cute. Hermione flipped through the pages, "It says here," she found it, "that Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Sorcerer's stone."

"What's the Sorcerer's stone?" The boys asked in unison.

Hermione and I rolled out eyes, "Boys..." I said.

"Don't you two know anything about reading?" She continued. "The Sorcerer's stone..." Then she went on to explain that it can make any metal gold and it make someone who turned it into a liquid, it will make them immortal.

First of all, why would someone want to be come immortal? Second of all, what does Quarrel want with the Sorcerer's stone?

"Fluffy must be guarding this. This must be what's under the trapdoor. Hagrid must've taken this from the vault. The Sorcerer's Stone," Hermione pointed at the book.

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