Slughorn's Party

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A couple of days flew passed. Slughorn's party had finally arrived. I put on a dark red dress with black lace and sleeves that fell off my shoulders; it was a high-low, 1950s vintage style. One of my favorite.

I curled my hair and did the bare minimum for my face. Not a huge makeup person. I said my farewells to the girls and headed out.

I saw my date standing in front of the Great Hall doors. He turned and saw me. His eyes lit up, "You...You look really pretty, Bridget."

"Thank you," I smiled. "You look very nice as well."

"Shall we," he stretched out his arm.

This was nice. Being treated like a lady. I hadn't felt like this since the Yule Ball. I put my arm around his, "We shall."

We entered the party. A few people were there. Not many. Hermione wasn't yet. At least, not that I could see.

Slughorn came up to us, "You two look lovely! And look Belby, you've found yourself a girl!"

I smiled and had to hold back my laughter.

"Thank you, Professor," he nodded. "Where's the food, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Just over there," Slughorn's smile disappears slightly.

Marcus ran over and I was left with Slughorn, "Thank you for inviting me, Professor."

"Oh, anytime," he chuckled. "In fact, when Potter comes to see me, you should too. You and Mr. Potter seem to be very close."

"We are," I nodded. "He's like a brother."

"That's very interesting," he nodded. "You're a muggle-born, correct?"

"It's complicated," I answered.

"Well, I knew you weren't pure blood and you exceed in class. Almost as well as Harry."

"Harry has some..." I tried to find the right words, "tools which definitely help with his grade."

"What are those?"

"Oh I'm sure he'll tell you in time," I waved it off. "You two seem to be getting closer. He really hasn't gotten close to any professors besides Dumbledore and Hagrid."

"What about you, Bridget?" He asked.

"I'm close with Hagrid, Dumbledore, McGonagall, and even Snape. There was another professor, but he unfortunately was fired."

"What was the reason?" He asked, picking up a drink from a walking waiter.

"Medical issues," I simplified.

He nodded and veered the subject, "So what do you excel at?"

"Transfiguration," I smiled, "Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Charms."

"Interesting," he nodded. "Your whole story is interesting." His eyes turned and focused on someone else. I turned around. Hermione was walking in with Cormac McLaggen. My jaw dropped.

"Ah! Cormac! My boy!"

Hermione came over to me while Slughorn spoke to the guy. I turned to her, "McLaggen?! Really?!"

She just smiled, "We'll talk about this later."

"Drink?" A waiter came over to us. It was a friend.

"Hey, Neville," I smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"Working since I couldn't get into the Slugclub," he sighed. "Have fun though." He continued on. Hermione grabbed my hand and drug me out onto a balcony.

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