Ending of Fifth Year

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I woke up in a hospital bed surrounded by gifts and presents. On my right bedside table was a Daily Prophet newspaper. I sat up and reached for it. I read the front cover with a smile: The Truth Is Found! Potter, Meadows, and Dumbledore Found in the Ministry with You-Know-Who.

A snore startled me. I looked around. I smiled even bigger. Harry was sleeping in a chair on my right and Draco was on my left. I giggled a little.

"Oh Ms. Meadows!" Madame Pomfrey came rushing towards me. I put my finger up to my mouth to shush her. I gestured to the boys. She smiled, "They've been here practically everyday."

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"About four days."

I nodded, "Thank you."

"You are a patient after all," she nodded as well. "Do you need me to get you anything?"

"Oh, no thank you," I smiled.

"Okay. Well once these two wake up and leave, we need to do a check to see if you have anything else still healing. If not, then you'll be good to go tonight."

"Okay. Thank you." She nodded at me and walked away. I turned to my two boys. Who shall I wake up first?

I turned to my left. I grabbed Draco's hand. He jumped up. He squeezed his hand and saw me. He smiled, "Bridget." He engulfed me in a hug. "I thought you were going to die."

"Oh no," I took a deep breath. I noticed he smelt of pine, citrus, and a fresh fireplace. I smiled.

He took both of my hands and pulled his chair up closer, "Are you okay? I read the papers."

"I'm..." I thought back. "I'm going to be okay. Just need time to heal."

He nodded, "I understand. And I'll be right here if you need anything. I love you." He kisses my hands.

"I love you too," I squeezed his hands. "Now I gotta wake up doofus over there, so I can bust out of this joint."

"Okay," he let go of my hands. "I'll see you later. If you need anything-"

"Draco," I warned. He put up his hands in surrender and walked off. I turned towards my best friend. He seemed a little happier even though he was sleeping.

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He didn't jump. He opened his eyes slowly. He turned to me, "Scoot over."

I smiled and did so. He hopped into his area. He laid his head on my shoulder, "He's gone, Bridge. Voldemort's back."

My smile faded, "Yeah."

"You were tortured again."

I grabbed his hand, "But none of it was your fault. Or my fault." I set my head on his, "We still have each other, and we have Dumbledore, and we have our friends. Sirius is still in us. We will live with him everyday."

"I wanted to have a family, Bridge," I heard a sniffle come from my best friend.

I tried to hold it in, "And you do. The Weasleys. Me. Hermione. Hogwarts. We are your family. I'll miss Sirius. I do miss Sirius. But we need to be okay. We need to finish this. For him."

He took a deep breath and squeezed my hand.

"I know that means it doesn't hurt as much," I felt a tear drop form my cheek. "But it'll stop hurting after a while. It might be a long while, but it will eventually."

He nodded, "If you say so. I trust you."


I was released that night. I was asked so many questions by my friends and the Gryffindor Tower. I answered them if I could then went up to back my bag.

"Hey, Bridge."

"What's up, 'Mione?"

"I'm sorry about-"

"Please don't," I took a deep breath as I folded the last of what I had.

"Okay. Well at least we don't have to worry about our O.W.L.s this year."

I smiled, "True."

"Hey, where'd you get that?"

I wondered what she could've been talking about. Then it hit me. I grabbed the necklace, "Draco. He gave it to me as a birthday and Christmas gift."

"That's sweet."

I nodded, "Yeah. It is isn't it."

I ran into the corridor. I was about to be late for the feast if I didn't hurry. Nigel and I got caught up talking about adventures and magical creatures. That boy is quite a cutie.

I saw Luna and Hardy talking in the all. I smiled as I joined them, "What's up guys?"

"Hello Bridget," Luna smiled. "How've you been holding up?"

"Good. You?"

"I've been alright. People have stolen my possessions and I'm trying to get them all back before I leave."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"It's alright. And I don't need help finding them. Harry already asked me that question," she hung another poster up. "Something we lose always finds it way back to us in the end as my mum always put it."

We looked above the door frame and there were a pair of Luna's shoes.


I walked along side Harry and Ron as we walked towards the Hogwarts Express. Harry piped up, "Dumbledore told me something the other day and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it."

"And what could that be?" Hermione asked.

"Even though we're coming upon a war, we have something special Voldemort does not have."

"A nose?" I asked. "Hair?"

All of us chuckled. Harry nudged me, "No. We have something worth fighting for."

"So does he," I commented. "He was power and-"

"Oh you know what I mean," Harry groaned. I smiled. It was good to see everyone happy. And I knew one thing for sure, I was going to spend this summer holiday with the Weasleys. And I was super excited for it too.

"So Ronald," I looked to Ron as we got settled in, "what's the best thing your mum makes? In your opinion of course."

"Oh her biscuits," Ron pointes. "Her biscuits are phenomenal! Truly. You're going to love it there, Bridge."

I smiled, "I'm sure I will."

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