Second Date...?

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I took a deep breath out, and watched my breath float like smoke. It was snowing outside and we were on our way to Hogsmeade. This is going to be my second date with Anthony. I didn't know why it took him so long to owl me, but I kind of didn't want to know. This was going to be his last chance. As simple as that. 

"You ready?" Hermione asked me. 


"For your date, of course," Ron spoke up next to me. 

"Guys," I rolled my eyes and adjusted my scarf, "this isn't a big deal. I've had one before, and this one is going to be more chill. So I'm fine." 

"Well, if he gives you any trouble-"

"I'll tell you guys however it works out and you won't do anything about it," I said. 

"Ugh," Ron groaned, "fine." 

We entered the village. I checked my pocket watch. It was only 11:50. I still had an hour and ten minutes. I'll just go walk around for a little bit. 


I watched everyone walk around with their friends as I crossed from Zonko's Joke Shop to Honeydukes. It was about 12:50. I figured I should to go Honeydukes slightly early. I smiled as I heard the snow crushing beneath my feet. I walked into the warm store. So many smells filled my nostrils. 

I giggled...until I saw him. From around the corner of a candy stand, I saw his Hufflepuff hat hiding his brown hair. My heart stopped as I heard another voice besides his. I couldn't really hear them because of the fact that they were whispering. I pulled out that Extendable Ear the twins had given me. 

I threw it out as far as I could without him noticing. I listened as they talked. 

"Why are you even with her anyways?" a female said. 

"You know why," he laughed. "She's smart, talented, and popular with Potter and the others. If I'm with her, my name will be known throughout school. Guys will want to be me, and girls will want to be with me. Teachers will love me. It'll only be for a short amount of time. I promise." 

"But you are already popular," she giggled. "And I miss you." 

"I miss you too, but I need this. Only for a little bit longer." 

I shook my head reeled my ear back in. I should've known. I let out a laugh. You know, the ones you get when your so mad, you don't even know what to do. One of those. I put the ear in my pocket and pushed my way outside. I rushed into the woods that lead back to the Shrieking Shack. 

I figured the woods would be a very secluded place, seeing as I really didn't want to talk to anyone. I found a rock that was almost like a seat. It was covered in snow, but it was still there. I huffed as I sat on the rock. No wonder he didn't want to talk to me. No wonder it took him forever. 

I heard crunching of snow come towards me. 

"Please go away," I groaned. 

"Aren't you supposed to be with Hufflepuff?" 

"Aren't you supposed to be with your girlfriend?" 

"I don't have one anymore," I heard him right behind me. 


He put his arms around my shoulders and rested his head on top of mine, "Yep. Single Pringle now." 

I hummed. YAS! 

"Now, what about you and Hufflepuff?" 

"I don't think he's an actual Hufflepuff," I shook my head. 

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