First Date In Hogsmeade

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*Authors Note: I found some information at different sites. Madam Puddifoot's Tea shop Menu was found on Snitch Sneeker. Zonko's Joke shop's extendable ears found on Harry Potter Wiki. Thank you and you may continue.

"These visits are a privilege," McGonagall told the group of students in front of my peers. I was walking with Harry, and we came a little late. I had gone to the library after my lessons and got books for: Ancient Ruins, Occlumency, Potions, and Transfigurations. I went back to the tower and got ready. I got caught up reading my books, and Harry found me.

I walked up after Harry. I heard McGonagall tell him if he doesn't have it signed then he wouldn't be able to go. I handed mine to McGonagall. She smiled and nodded.

I walked back over to Harry, "I can tell Anthony that I can't go if you want me to stay behind."

"No," he shook his head. "This is your first date. I don't want to ruin it. Tell Hermione and Ron that they should go as well. I can see them giving me pitied looks."

I nodded, "Okay. But you wouldn't have ruined it. I would've been happy to stay." I turned and walked over to Hermione and Ron who-as Harry said-giving him looks. "He wants us all to go and be happy."

They both nodded and we followed after the rest of the group. I kept looking back at Harry until I couldn't see him anymore. I sighed, "I feel back for leaving him."

"We do too," Hermione nodded, "but you have a reason to go to Hogsmeade."

"So do you," I rolled my eyes. "You guys need to go explore and see if you find anything out of order. Or just go have fun! You guys could always go on a date."

They both started to laugh. Then I joined in. A couple peers kept looking back at us, so I slowly stopped. The other two did also. I really hope Harry doesn't get lonely.


I walked up to the pink shop. I've never heard of it, so I thought it was a normal tea shop. I never heard anybody talk about it, but from the looks of it, I assumed she never took down the decorations from Valentine's Day.

I walked in. It was a very tight space. The tables and booths were rather close to each other. I looked around. Couples were everywhere. I stiffened up when I saw multiple couples showing PDA. I looked around for Anthony. I took out my pocket watch; it was only 12:59. I put it away, and looked around again. Over to the far left, I saw part of his face.

I tried my best to step in between the table without knocking into anybody. That would've been bad. I made my way over. He saw me about a yard away and smiled. He waved and I waved back. I got to the booth.

"Hey," I sat across from him.

"Hello. I'm glad you showed up."

"Why wouldn't I?" I out my bag to the right of me.

"I don't know," he laughed nervously.

I nodded, "Good."

"Do you like this place?" he asked.

"It's-uh-" I looked around at all the making out and pink, Ugly, "interesting."

"I didn't know if you've been here before or not."

"I never have," I shook my head. "Have you?"

"Oh yeah," he nodded. "Tons of times."

Tons of times? Please tell me only with one girl..."Cool."

A waiter came over and handed us a menu then left without a word. Weird, I thought as I picked up the menu. Then Anthony spoke up, "Don't worry about getting anything. I've already got it."

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