Werewolves and Annoying People

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The Library was like it always was: a few people whispering, book pages flipping, and Madam Pince shushing students from time to time. I was catching up on some Divination homework. While in the midst of answering a question, a boy came and sat in the chair next to me. I saw who he was in my peripheral vision. I decided to ignore him.

"Hey," he said, as if nothing was wrong.


"Whatcha doing?" he asked.

"Homework," I answered.

"What class?"

I looked to the book, blinked a few times, "Merlin's ass."

"Funny," he laughed. "You have a good sense of humor."

"Thank you?"

"Okay," he sighed. "What's wrong?"

I looked at him, "Oh I don't know. The fact that we had our first date two months ago, you said you'd owl me for another, then never talk to me, let alone look at me kinda got me confused I guess."

"I know," he cocked his head. "I've been busy. So much to do. But I came here to ask you out for another date in person."

I rolled my eyes, "You think you'll just come here and ask me out and I'll say yes? You haven't even apologized."

He grabbed my quill and set it aside. He grabbed my hand, and I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm sorry," he said, looking me dead in the eyes. "I should've told you that I was busy. I really am sorry."

I looked into his eyes, my glare solid. I focused in on his eyes. They read of...pity, curiosity, and courage. This is my chance. This will change her mind, his thoughts spoke aloud.

I looked to his whole face and realized he was coming closer by the second. I quickly picked up my books, "I have to go return these." I quickly got out of my seat.

"But, could we at least meet again? I could take you to the Three Broomsticks this time," He pleaded.

"How about Honeydukes?" I compromised. "You have one more chance," and with that I was about to walk away.

"Okay," he nearly yelled, "I'll meet you in a couple of weekends. At 1."

I rolled my eyes, and walked into a section of books. I returned some of the books I had borrowed when a person grabbed my arms. I almost yelled until I turned to see that it was him.

"Draco Malfoy!" I whisper-shouted. "You scared the daylights out of me!"

He removed his hand, "I'm sorry. I just wanted to talk to you."

"Well stop grabbing my arm like that."

He sighed, "Fine. But what just happened between Hufflepuff and you?"

I rolled my eyes, "I don't even know. After not talking to me for two months I'm surprised that he even said hi, let alone tried to kiss me. It was not okay."

"I don't think you should go on that second date."

"I'm giving him one more chance," I explained. "And why don't you think so?"

"Because," he leaned up against the bookshelf, "he's bad news."

"Well if you are right," I poked his chest, Merlin he's got a hard chest, "then I'll pay you five galleons."

"How about something else?" he smirked.

My face was getting red thinking about anything else, "W-W-What's that?"

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