Back Together

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"Do you guys need anything else?" 

I looked up to Fleur from my breakfast pastry she had made us, "No, but thank you for letting us stay here. We really appreciate it."

"It's no problem," Bill held his wife close. "We love helping family."

Then it came to my mind, "Speaking of family, how's Tonks and Lupin doing?" 

"She's doing fine. The due date is coming up in April, "Fleur nodded. "They've decided on a name too: Edward Remus Lupin. But they're thinking of the nickname Teddy."

"That's adorable," I smiled. 

"Bridge," Ron tugged on my arm, "we should go. Thank you, brother."

We set off to find our friends. Ron was flickering with the illuminator as we were strolling through the woods. A ball of light floated out of the contraption. I looked to Ron. He gave me the look of, 'I have no clue.'

I grabbed Ron's hand. I reached my hand up. The moment my fingertips touched the light, we were apparated someplace else. I felt twigs on my back. When I opened my eyes, I saw bare trees. Ron was peering over me, "Need some help there?"

He held out his hand. I grabbed onto it. He pulled me up. I nodded, "Where'd the light go?"

He pointed a good length in front of us. It was bouncing around in the depth of the forest. Ron looked to me, "I think we need to follow it."

The sky above us was turning a dark grey; like night was falling. I sighed, "Maybe we should rest for tonight or until this storm passes."

"No," Ron continued to stare at the ball of light. "We need to follow it. I...I can feel it."

Ron let my hand go and began to walk towards it. I was shocked, but also very cold. I groaned, "Fine. Fine. I'm coming. But can you hand me the blanket? I'm freezing."

The further we go into the forest the darker it was getting. I couldn't tell if we had been traveling in the night or not. I watch Ron clutch the backpack harder. I hugged the blanket closer to me. Ron stopped and waited for me to catch up. I stepped next to him. He grabbed my hand and we continued. 

As we continued on, my mind began to wonder. It was crazy to me, but I couldn't stop thinking about Draco. Even through all this he continued to sway in my mind. I could still feel Ron's hand around mine. It wasn't the same as Draco's. Ron's was rough and rather large. Draco's was a little softer than this and was a little less big. This entire time, Ron was great but he wasn't Draco. 

I wonder how he's doing anyways. Has he moved on? Is he happy? I'm sure not.

The ball of light continued on. It stopped a couple more hours later, right on top of a little lake. This confused me. 

"A lake?" I asked. "No, we want our friends."

A thudding came from the ice on top of the lake. We walked towards it. I had my wand out, ready for something to attack us from the freezing water. When we saw it, I couldn't believe my eyes. It seemed to be a man struggling to come up out of the water. 

I looked across the lake. A whole was made. This man wanted to jump in. Whoever this is better have a good explanation, I thought to myself. Ron let my hand go again. He threw the bag down. I noticed that he threw it over by a pile of clothes. They looked vaguely familiar. 

"Wait, Ron," I called out. But I was too late. He was already jumping into the water. I groaned, "Bloody idiot!"

Within seconds, Ron was pulling the guy out. I saw who it was. Two bloody idiots! Ron set him against a fallen tree. I ran over. I knelt down and put the blanket over him. Harry was shivering and coughing like crazy. I rubbed his arms. Ron handed me his glasses; I handed him to them. 

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