I Can't Believe It

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"Wait, guys," I said, stopping in my tracks.

"What?" Harry asked.

I got out my pocket watch: 8:25. I sighed, "I have to go. I hate to leave you guys, but-"

"We've got it," Hermione smiled. "You go. Have fun," she winked.

I rolled my eyes and turned around, "See ya later." I transformed. I knew I would be able to get a scent through the night wind. I ran through the trees. I would stop occasionally to sniff, making sure I was heading in the right direction.

I made my way up a hill. The clouds were covering up the moon slightly, so my path was a bit shabby. I transformed back into my human form. The hill was looking down on the Black Lake. I looked to my willow tree.

There he was. The blonde haired boy. You know, the one that makes my face turn red? The one that I secretly have a crush on and have only told my best girl friend because my guy friends would have a cow? Yeah, that one.

I smiled. I took a deep breath and started down the hill into more trees. I made a run for it towards the lake. It was only a few yards: the opening. I stopped at the opening to the lake. I stepped out, and the moonlight hit perfectly on him. I nearly lost my thoughts.

Merlin, why does this have to be so cliché? I was having a perfectly nice time trying not to die of embarrassment, but now you made it worse. Good job, moon!

I walked along the bank towards him. He wasn't facing me. He seemed to be pacing towards the lake and back to the tree. I smiled, "Hey, Slytherin."

He nearly jumped in his skin. I started to laugh and he groaned. I stopped and leaned up against another tree. He looked to me with a smile, "Well, hello to you too, Gryffindor."

"I need to tell you something," both of us said in unison.

Too cliché! Red alert! Too cliché!

"You go first," he came up to me.

"I think you should," I walked towards him. "Depending on if it's good news or not."

"That depends on how you take it," he looked out towards the lake. The way the moon hit his pale face. I was able to see every crevice on his face as if he was a sketch. His eyes were a gorgeous storm grey. Then it hit me, Oh shit. He's looking at me while I'm looking at him with admiration. He knows!

He laughed as I looked out to the Black Lake. "Oh Bridget," he sighed. "I'm so surprised that you haven't noticed yet. I thought I was making it so obvious."

"I'm pretty clueless," I nodded. "But I can piece together normal things."

"Then can you piece together this," he took a deep breath. "I have a friend. He likes one of his best friends. And he's like her for a while. Practically since they first met. But it's like they're Romeo and Juliet-"

"I like you too, Malfoy," I tried not to let a huge smile engulf my face.

"WhAt?!" I heard him croak.

"I said," I looked at him, "I like you too, Malfoy."

A smile came after a few seconds. Guess he needed time to process that. He gave me a huge hug. I felt this huge pillow be lifted off my shoulder as I heard him sigh. He let me go, "So would this be a good time to ask a someone to be my girlfriend?"

"Draco Malfoy, if you don't ask me-"

"Bridget Meadows, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Finally!" I sighed and grabbed onto one of his hands. "Yes. I would love to." Then a thought came into mind, how am I going to tell Ron?! Or any of the Weasleys?!

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