Clues for the Second Task

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"There was this...grave. At least, I think it was a grave. It was like the reaper that you think of when you think of death," Harry explained to me as we were headed outside. I was starting to get concerned with his dreams occurring more often. "Then the same dream I've been having happened again. Like it was on replay. I don't know what to do."

"I don't either," I bit the inside of my mouth as I thought. "Maybe it's not going to be so quiet as we expected this year," I told him.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"This year, I was thinking maybe we wouldn't have to deal with Voldemort, and that your dream was just a nightmare. But it sounds like the events might do worse things than kill you," I whispered to him.

He took a deep breath, "Let's hope not."

"Hey guys," Hermione caught up with us on the bridge. "How've you been getting along with the clue?"

Harry kept silent and began to fiddle with his cloak.

"You haven't started?!" I asked.

"The event is in two days!" Hermione seemed as baffled as I.

"Oh really? I thought I still had a month to prepare," Harry rolled his eyes, and his tone was filled with sarcasm. "I can only assume Victor's figured it out already."

"I wouldn't know. He barely talks, even rarely about the tournament," Hermione sighed. "I would consider him more physical." I chuckled a bit, and so did Harry and 'Mione. "No," she groaned. "I just mean that he's more...used to...never mind."

"Mhm," I hummed.

"He just mainly watches me study," Hermione explained. "It's been getting on my nerves a bit."

"Why don't you ask him to study with you or help you study?" I asked.

"I don't know. Never really thought about it I guess." Things got quiet, until she spoke up again. "You haven't been trying to figure the egg out have you?"

"Why would you ask that?" Harry looked to her.

"These tasks are going to test you, Harry," I was picking up what Hermione was putting down. "In some forms, they're actually pretty cruel."

"Harry, we're worried for you," Hermione stated. "Sure, you were able to get passed the dragon. But I think that was mostly common sense and Bridget."

"We don't know if that or I will help you this time," I completed her thought.

He sighed and groaned. I could tell he was staring to get sick of Hermione and I thinking alike. Yelling from the distance broke the silence, "Hey, Potter! Meadows!"

I turned to see Cedric rushing towards us. I turned to look at Harry but he was already gone. Hermione nodded towards him, "Go on. I'm going to head to class. See you there."

I nodded and walked alongside Cedric to Harry. He kept calling for him.

"Yes, Cedric," Harry was continuing to walk off. I ran up and grabbed his arm.

Cedric came in front of the both of us. "How have you guys been?"

"Wonderful," Harry told him.

"Okay," I shrugged.

Diggory nodded, "I just wanted to thank you two for warning me about the dragons."

"Ah, I'm sure you would've done the same for us. Just forget about it," Harry told him.

"Exactly why I'm here," Cedric told us. "You guys know the prefect bathrooms on the fifth floor?" We nodded, and I gestured for him to continue (seeing as I was getting cold). "Well, that would be a great place for a bath," he winked at Harry and left.

"So, hope you're planning on taking a bath today," I smiled as we began our walk back into the castle.


"'Come seek us where our voices sound. We cannot sing above the ground,' " Harry was reciting what he heard as Hermione paced back and forth in the library, Ron had fallen asleep and I was sitting on the ground next to Harry.

"'Come seek us where our voices sound.' You're going into their territory. 'We cannot sing above the ground.' Under ground level: water. The only water source nearby is the Black Lake. They also sing, so they could be sirens or mermaids," I explained.

"'An hour long you'll have to look,' That's self explanatory," Hermione spoke up.

"To recover what we took," I sighed. "You're going to have to retrieve something they're going to take away. Sounds simple enough."

"Almost too simple," Hermione took a deep breath. "Although could be problematic."

"Really? Problematic? When have you held your breath underwater for an hour 'Mione?" Harry asked, quiet rudely.

"Harry," I rolled my eyes and stood up, "you shouldn't have do hold your breath for an hour. Partially because it's not possible. Besides we're in a world where magical plants and potions and spells exist. Use them."

"Yes," Hermione raised her finger, "That's it. We just have to find a spell or something-"

"Sorry to intrude on your little meeting but McGonagall would like to see you in her office," Alister Moody had found our little hiding spot. "Just you two, Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley."

"But sir, we have to prepare for the second task," I crossed my arm.

"Which is why Mr. Potter needs a goods night rest. So, Ms. Meadows I would like you to take him off to the tower while these two go to McGonagall." 'Mione and Ron mumbled their goodbyes and left Harry and I alone with Moody, which I didn't necessarily fancy.

Moody took a look at Harry and I as we began to put his books away. "Mr. Longbottom, could you help these two with their books."

Neville rounded the corner once Moody had left. Neville took some books from me, and noticed the cover, "If you're interested in plants, you should probably read Goshawk's Guide to Herbology. It's better than this."

Authors note: This story is paused until I'm not busy and not writing other fanfictions. Sorry guys. If y'all want more, read some of my others. I'll be back as soon as I can.

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