Via Twitter; #Jahvie @botdfmusic @JayyVonMonroe

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A/N Hey guys, give me some ideas for one shots :3 I wanna make more (Even though people have told me this story has the most jahvie one shots..) But ideas don't just pop out of my head like ummm i don't even know where i was going with that...btw I'm writing my authors notes like how I would normally talk to someone now, so sorry i don't like capitalizing my i's lol xD And the name is suppose to represent twitter btw xDD I love you all!! ~Mari_Von_Monroe




Dahvie's POV:


I sighed looking at a photo album seeing old pictures of Jayy and I having fun and hanging out....what happened to us, we just drifted away from each other. I felt my eyes tear up when I found an old jahvie pic we took for our fans.(Pic on side) I smiled remembering his face blush right after that kiss, and how right after he kissed me again and I kissed back...

I smiled at the memory and placed the photo album back under my bed, I walked downstairs to find Jayy on the couch scrolling through twitter on his cell "Hey Jayy" I say as I sit next to him "Hey" He replied simply not even looking at me...why is this hurting me so much?

I unlocked my cell phone and logged on twitter, I posted a tween that said "HOW MANY OF YOU SHIP #JAHVIE???" And I got over 500 reposts and favorites. I smiled reading through some of the comments..

Omg I love Jahvie <3 <3 

you and Jayy are perf

From a scale from 1 to even...I CAN'T!

But one stuck out to me...from Jayy....

I ship that shit!!! xoxo babe <3 ;) 

I looked at Jayy who was already looking at me "Why did you randomly bring up Jahvie?"  he asked and I blushed "I was looking through a photo album I have and I saw a pic of it so one thing led to another" I say and he smirks before turning back to his cell and typed something... I felt my phone vibrate with a twitter notification

I clicked it and it was from Jayy

Hanging with my Dahvikins today xoxo #Jahvie post pics later <3 @botdfmusic

I blushed and turned to him "So what are we doing today?" I ask amused and he smiled and grabed my hand dragging me out the door "Jayy where are we going?" I ask and he smirked "It's a surprise!" He chirped before dragging me through the park and up a steep hill to a...a beautiful view of San Diego

"This is beautiful" I whisper still taking in the view when Jayy grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers, I smiled and look down at our hands and then up at him "Jayy...what happened?" I say and he looks at me confused

"To what?" He said

"To us, we used to be so close but something changed" I sigh

He looked at me with a look of guilt "Dahvie, I've liked you for so long, I wanted to get over you so I wouldn't lose you which I found impossible to get over someone you love" He confessed and I looked at him 

"Y-you love me?" I say as a smile crept on my face and he nodded, I smashed my lips into his and kissed him with every drop of love I have in my body. He licked my lip for an entrance which I granted then we fought for dominance, which I won because I'm dominate by definition (had to say that xD)

I put my hand behind his neck to deepen the kiss until we needed stupid air, I pulled away and he looked me in the eyes with the biggest smile I have ever seen him have. He pecked my lips once more before grabbing his cell and kissing me once more and took a picture. He posted it everywhere "Jahvie is real" 

"Dahvie, will you be mine.?" He asked and I smiled brightly "I thought you'd never ask" I say and kiss him again....'Thank you twitter for making this happen' I thought to myself as Jayy's soft lips were on mine <3




A/N That was just a cute little thing I was day dreaming about happening one day ;-; I have problems lol anyway I love you all!!! ~Mari_Von_Monroe

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