Dark Dreams

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A/N This is dedicated to @MyMusic13 <- she's really cool and she gave me the idea for this one-shot <3 Thank you my beautiful demon <3 I love you all <3 ~Mari_Von_Monroe (//.^)




Jayy's POV:


I go to bed after we get home from our last day of tour. I lay down on my bed and I grab my walkie talkie from my nightstand and turn it on "Dahvie?" I say into it "D Vanity here" He replies and I giggle "Is everyone in bed?" I ask "Yeah Haley, Aussie, Bryce and Mikee are all in bed...*Door closing sound*..Now" He replies and I giggle "Today was sick" I whisper "Yeah like when you tried to jump on the crowd surfing turtle with me ha that was sick" He replies in a whisper voice "I failed miserably" I reply and I hear Dahvie yawn "Nah you were *Yawn* amazing" He replies "Thanks Dahv's night" I say "Goodnight JayyJayy" He says before he turns off his walkie talkie which turned off mine..

I lay down and close my eyes slowly as they get heavier and soon I fall into a horrible nightmare..


I was naked infront of our show and I felt exposed, I grabbed my underwear and pants and ran out of the place then stole a bike and started riding down the hill but I was pumping the breaks and they wouldn't stop, I was out of control. I hit a tree and got off the bike and began walking but I felt like was being watch so I turned around to see I was being followed so I began running, I was being chased by a malevolent pursuer. I ran up on a mountain and I couldn't get away from him...

(Wakes Up)

I grab my walkie talkie and turn it on "D-Dahvie ar-are you st-still up?" I stutter as I cry. My door in open and Dahvie runs to my bed and holds me, I cry into his shoulder "Jayy you've had these nightmares a lot lately, shhh just calm down" He cooed as he stroked my hair and continued to hold me "I-I'm s-sor-sorry for w-waking you" I say and he kisses my forehead "It's okay JayyBear" he hums and I cuddle into his chest "C-can you stay w-with me?" I ask and he nods 'yes' as he lays down  with me still cuddled into him. I fall into a dreamless sleep..

^The Next Day^

I wake up and noticed Dahvie's not next to me, I sighed and got dressed. I grabbed a pair of black jeans and a blackcraft shirt with my boots and get dressed. When I was done getting ready I went downstairs to see only Dahvie awake "Where are the others?" I ask and he shrugs "Haley and Aussie went to take Bryce and Mikee to breakfast" He explained then took a drink of his coffee "Why didn't you go?" I ask and he smiles warmly "Because I wanted to stay here with you" He added and I went into shock "Wha- I uh mean how come?" I continue and he blushes a bit "I erm didn't want you to feel alone so I stayed" He insisted and I smiled, he went into the living room and sat on the couch "Jayy you look really tired" He states and I shrug 

I went over to Dahvie and hugged him, he immediately hugged back and that made me smile... "Dahvie.." I whispered "Yeah Jayy" he replied "I-I love you.." I admited and he smiled from ear to ear "I love you too" he replied then kissed me once on the lips. I smiled and he held me before being interrupted by someone clearing their throat, I turned to see some chic looking at me weirdly "Um Dahvie baby ready to go?" She asked and Dahvie pushed my away and nodded 'yes' "Yeah babe sorry this idiot wouldn't let go of me" He pointed out and my heart broke. "Ew is he that fag you used to be in a band with?" He asks and he smiled "Yeah thank god we broke up the band" Dahvie says to the one chic and she smiled "Yeah baby, now lets go meet up with Garrett" She added and Dahvie glared at me "Yeah I don't know why I ditched Garrett for this faggot" He states then kisses the one girl before leaving. I fell to knees and began crying then I heard someone calling ym name "Jayy, Jayy, wake up"

I wake up on the couch to see Dahvie looking at me concerned "Are you okay? You sat down next to me and fell asleep?" He asked and I sat up and put my hands on my face "That was the worst nightmare ever" I say and Dahvie rubs my back in soothing circles I began sobbing and Dahvie held me close to him. I stayed in his chest as he hummed.

"Jayy" He says and I look up "Y-yeah?" I reply and he smiles "What was your dream about?" He asks and I sigh and tell him the whole dream. He payed attention and held me the whole time.."T-then you left" I finish and he kisses my forehead "I'm not going anywhere, I'll be here with you always" He says and the smiled "Plus I wouldn't pass up doing this ever" He says "Doing wha- " I was cut off by him softly kissing me passionately.  "I love you Jayy don't forget that" He says and I smile brightly "I love you too" I reply and he pecks me on the lips before lying my down "Try falling asleep one more time.." He says and I begin falling asleep..

Dahvie and I are on a boat with two kids a girl named Ecstasy (I love the name Ecstasy sorry not sorry) and a boy named Sinister. They're calling me and Dahvie dad and daddy. I see a mermaid in the sea and she sings

♫♫♫♫ Sail away, yes far away. To the sun, yes here we come. Now lay down to sleep. To the stars and infinity-♫♫♫♫




A/N Hey what did you guys think? Thanks @MyMusic13 for the idea. Remember if you want me to write a specific one-shot you gotta message me or comment below and I'll make it I promise <3 @MyMusic13 commented on the last chapter for me to update so I messaged her and asked for an idea and here she goes a whole new one-shot dedicated to her on the very same day! I love you all my demons of hell <3 ~Mari_Von_Monroe (//.^)

P.s. If you haven't noticed but in my stories I have a different ending signature for each other than "Fallen Star" and "Highschool Hell" because I wrote them at the same time but "Forever Jahvie <3" Is ~Mari_Von_Monroe <3 "Highschool Hell and Fallen star" is ~Mari_Von_Monroe // UNITY!! "Maybe It's Magic" is ~Mari_Von_Monroe ^-^ then there is this one which "Jahvie One-Shots" is ~Mari_Von_Monroe (//.^).... xD I love you all xDD ~Mari_Von_Monroe <3 // Unity ^-^ (//.^)

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