A New Begining

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This fanfic will sometimes follow the storyline but sometimes not.


You suddenly wake up and realise that you seem to be in a classroom but you didn't know how you got there. You tried to remember but to no avail and now after trying too hard to remember you had a huge headache.

After you tried to stop your head from hurting you heard a couple of groans coming from the back of the classroom and you forgot to scope out the rest of your location and it was no use trying to think of an escape or a plan because two figures were beginning to wake up and you waited for your fate and then realised that they were wearing the same emblem that you were wearing. They were students too!


After you all introduced yourself's you all tried to remember anything but to no avail! After some time of talking they said their names were Shuichi and Kokichi. Eventually all three of us decided to make our way out of the room after thoroughly checking it top to bottom for any sign of another person but as soon as you stepped out of the room you were met by a huge robot and were frozen in place as the thought of dying here made you shiver with fear. Shuichi and Kokichi walked out after you and they too were shocked at what they saw so all three of you started sprinting away from there until you stumbled upon a strange door so with no hesitation you decided to go in. You waved to kokichi and shuichi and they quickly got in after you.

There was people inside the room that you didn't know so you all started introducing yourself's. After awhile of them sharing about also getting chased by robots and that they had amnesia too. All 17 of us started to try and remember even a little bit about what had happened, and after struggling for 30-45mins you started to remember everything!! But you wondered if you should tell them... since you were Ultimate High School Level LIAR.

You later decided not to just because you found it hilarious to see them struggle, so you put on your best innocent act that you could but you knew that they would sooner on later remember who you are.

TIME-SKIP- after the monocubs introduce them self's and everyone knows they're in a killing game.

There was an aura of despair left in the room as everyone left to go to their rooms, even you were shocked that you of all people were stuck here with these people in a killing game to win freedom. You had delt with many things in life but not THIS!!

This was something that not even you could understand and you were the one that practically understands even the most complicated of things. So what the monocubs said MUST be real, right? There was no twisting the truth because what they just said was the absolute truth and you knew it, FOR A FACT!

As soon as you were about to leave your room to talk with Shuichi someone knocked on your door, you immediately let them in, it was Kokichi and you wondered what he might have wanted and as you thought that he suddenly blurted out "what those cubs were saying is the truth!". He sounded pretty confident and quite convinced that the cubs were telling the truth and you knew that he was right, but if you told him the truth he might ask "why?" then what would you say? "just a hunch" but that wouldn't cut it so you decided to ask him "why do you think that?", he didn't answer straight away but you could tell that he didn't know how to answer so you just said that it was pretty late and you needed time to get to grips with this new place and to understand what was going on and so you sent Kokichi on his way.

After a while you decided that you needed some rest so you climbed into your comfy bed but as you got under the covers you kept on thinking about what the monocubs said as you finally drifted off to sleep.

Shuichi x Reader x Kokichi (LEMONS 🍋)Where stories live. Discover now