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Italics is for the thinking process of the person.
I'll be updating the next one a little later than a week because of school and stuff so... thanks for your consideration!

"Shuichi... Kokichi... I'm so sorry"


That's what was heard for a while (since there is a eco in the room) then suddenly out of nowhere there was movement coming from your tied up body, so shuichi and kokichi (forcing himself) to turn around away from your body 'acting' like they didn't see anything.

Shuichi still bright red in the face and still extremely flustered decided to speak asking if you were ok, to that you replied with a simple and quite yes.

TIME SKIP- after they had gotten you down.

"Thanks" you said sheepishly "did you see anything?" While you were holding your breasts tight against your chest. "N-No!" Shuichi replied getting red in the face again, "Maybe!~, maybe not!~ you'll never know" kokichi remarked, but with this it made you blush a deep shade of red.
"Kokichi!?!?" You and shuichi said at the same time. "Ugh... never mind..." and with that you decided to get some breakfast and make your way to your dorm.

TIME SKIP- when your inside your room.

You lazily fell on your bed from embarrassment because after analysing the situation you were just in it was totally embarrassing, you felt your face go extremely hot. Why did it have to be shuichi AND kokichi?!?!? Ugh... they did seem flustered though, do they... like me?... NO! That's definitely not it, no one would possibly like me... right?.... UGH IM SO CONFUSED!!

As soon as you finished your thought you heard a knock at the door but decided not to open this was a bad idea because turns out it was gonta coming to check on you because he saw you run to your room but gonta didn't understand what was happening so he went to alert everyone that something was wrong with you and soon after that everyone was outside your door telling you to open up and you suddenly started to remember everything, your friends, your family, your whole life the real truth. They soon opened the door with brute force and saw you on your bed crying they went to comfort you but forced them all out of your room saying you were alright but of course this was a HUGE lie but no one knew exept kokichi which had just figured something was off about you and persisted to be let in but you got really frustrated really quick and decided to put your head under the pillow.

TIME SKIP- you fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night

You decided to stock up on food since you weren't planning on coming out of your room for a while.

Shuichi x Reader x Kokichi (LEMONS 🍋)Where stories live. Discover now