Sharing a bed...

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After the locked door in pool room incident all three of you thought it would be better to get to know each other better because you didn't want to be in that situation again. So you decided to ask them both to come over to your room to study your worst subjects. It would be a good bonding situation!

Once Shuichi and Kokichi finally arrived you all sat on your bedroom floor in a circle as you all started studying your weakest subjects. "Hey~ (Y/N) I need help!~" the purple haired leader sang out, asking for help from the oblivious girl.

As you looked up at him then at his textbook, you let out a sigh because he knew that he was asking for help on your favourite subject. So you taught him the basics and after many attempts of explaining he finally got it.

"Thank you! Nee-hehe!~" he went back to his book, concentrating on what you had just taught him. You looked up at Shuichi and saw a tinge of jealousy in his eyes while he gave Kokichi a nasty glare. You decided to ignore it and continue studying.


Soon you started thinking about asking Shuichi if he was ok with his studying but it looked like he was doing perfectly fine even though you wanted an excuse to talk to him because all you have been doing is talking with Kokichi.

You decided to ask him anyway "How about you Shuichi?" He flinched after hearing your voice so suddenly but he turned happy again because of the attention he was receiving from you "you need help with that?" He shook his head from side to side in a 'no' manner as you nodded and smiled at him before starting to continue your session.

Almost instantly Shuichi regrets saying no to your offer but he was still grateful for even getting to talk to you.

Hours had passed but to you it only seemed like 20mins but as it turns out, it was pretty late around 11:30am late.

"Hey, it's pretty late. You wanna stay over tonight? I wouldn't fell right about letting you wander the hallway this late at night! You two can take the king sized bed, it's only right for the guests to have the bed." I started to pull out some blankets and pillows, laying them neatly and setting it up just right for me to sleep on the floor. The pair of boys stood there, hesitating to take your kindness.

"Are you sure?, I mean you're letting us stay here... isn't that enough?" Shuichi argued with your terms, making you smile at his thoughtfulness.

"Yeah~! You should sleep in the bed with us!~ Nee-hehe~" Oma teased playfully making you blush all sorts of shades of red.

"Th-that's inappropriate!!" You held your hands out protectively to object to Kokichi's request.

"Kokichi, what are you planning this time?" Shuichi sighed, embarrassed at the thought of the two high school students sleeping in the same bed together.

Kokichi giggled, jumping on the king size bed that could probably fit 4 people at most. "Come on, don't be like that. It's not as if we would do anything to you. Unless you want us too?"  "W-wha..." your face was practically flaming, face beetroot red.

"Aweh~ baby (Y/N) is blushing!~ cute!!" Kokichi jumped off the bed and squeezed your cheeks. Shuichi glared at Kokichi in jealousy.

There was an awkward silence so you interrupted by saying "bed time?" While rubbing your eyes with tiredness, looking like a small child full of innocence.

Shuichi boldly grabbed your hand and dragged you into your bed down with him, leaving Kokichi standing there looking surprised about how his sudden mood swing made him boulder.

Kokichi set himself down on the other side of the bed, his chest on your back. You tried to slow your heart rate down otherwise Kokichi and Shuichi will be able to hear it. You were so nervous about this situation you were squeezed between two HOT boys. In bed. You soon started to panic and passed out. They both thought you were sleeping.

"Wow, she falls asleep quickly." They both said simitaniously.

Shuichi x Reader x Kokichi (LEMONS 🍋)Where stories live. Discover now